
Understanding God

by Eve Wilson

It can be hard to understand the higher purpose within circumstances and to decide how to respond to them.  I think we all occasionally wonder what God was thinking when he/she created things the way they are!

Observing life from the perspective of a spiritual healer, it is so obvious that God is an underlying intelligence within all creatures and circumstances of our life in a personal sense and in the larger world as well.  With vibrations rising due to our shift to new world energies, this intelligence is more evident on the spiritual level with each passing day.  Despite this fact, sometimes it takes tremendous patience and will to face circumstances and greet them with faith that there is an underlying purpose for them rather than just feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.

The underlying intelligence of God within your soul draws circumstances and relationships to you as tools for self-actualization.  Some mirror things you need to see and heal so that latent potentials within you can be activated.  Grab ahold of those tools and use them, they are a gift.

It helps to greet circumstances with faith that God is showing up in this form to help you grow.  That may not be your first response but it can be your second, and can become habitual with practice.  This attitude helps you to cooperate with the spiritual purpose within your circumstances. You’ll be surprised how it will smooth the way for success and ease in resolving challenges.

It is also important that we not just stuff our feelings and put on a smile while ignoring the darker elements of our response to life’s difficulties.  Within those darker feelings lie the personal elements of our growth, healing and the realization of our power.  Stuffing them only makes them toxic and self-damaging and venting them just shares the yuck…so what works?

Here are a couple of things that help:

– Breathe into your heart and your belly and step back into yourself until you are centered along your spine.  Find your inner wisdom here as a calm center within the emotional and mental drama.  Ask God to be here with you and to help you turn the intense reactions you feel into energy that God can use for a greater good.  Invite God into all the places within yourself where you feel intense and use the power of your emotion to ground God into your world.  Then wait a while for peace to come.  Taking a walk can help reorganize the energy and ground you, making room for clarity of mind and heart.  Be open to insight into why you have been given this situation and a clearer idea of how to respond to it.

– A quick, safe emotional release might be done by following the first two sentences in the above exercise and then making sure your heart is open and you are grounded.  From your calm center (no matter how small, it can be used) call on Archangel Michael to surround you with a transmutational field.  Ask that this field transmute all toxic energies into unconditional love as you release them.  Ask for simulations of the people and circumstances you are upset with so you don’t accidentally throw psychic negativity at the real people.  Ask him to protect them and yourself from being harmed by your energy.  Then, imagine and feel your self throwing breakable objects against the wall or stomping on something breakable. ( If you feel a headache doing this exercise your heart needs to open and your mind needs to take a back seat, let the feelings lead.)  Feel the energy release with the breaking and let Archangel Michael transmute and clear it.  Keep doing this until you feel relaxed.  Ask Archangel Michael to turn all you have released into unconditional love and to fill you with love in all the places you were upset.  Then re-center in the present moment and ground into your body and the new world earth and sun, letting their love fill you.  Thank and release Archangel Michael and the transmutational field.  You’ll feel lighter and more yourself.

When the circumstances of your life require deeper healing so you can realize your greater potential investing in your personal growth and the evolution of your soul will pay you back exponentially.  Visit my website to find out more about the kind of work that can help.

Life is absolutely for your growth and self-actualization.  You can trust that.  Within you lies the wisdom to make every opportunity a chance to realize your potential and every day interesting and valuable.  Trust yourself and the presence of God within you.  When you do your inner work life becomes rich and satisfying and you DO get what you want better than you could have foreseen.  When you reach the destination that is intended you can see the innate genius that designed the tools of your growth that brought you there and give thanks for your rewards.

You can look forward from where you are today, knowing that everything is God and God is within everything, even your self.
