
Turn It Into Love

by Eve Wilson

We begin our lives with a plan. There is work to be done, and we come onto the planet to play our part. Everyone’s part is different because their plan is prescribed by their unique, eternal, spiritual self. It’s essential to recognize that we each have precisely the circumstances needed to accomplish our jobs within this lifetime.

Whatever our experience of life, we all share some things in common. At times, we each can feel sad, angry, lonely, hurt, jealous, hateful, and limited. Overcoming these is the work that all people can share. We can turn these negatives into something beautiful through the power of love.

Love is not just a feeling.

It is a choice that we can make no matter how we feel. Choosing love is not stuffing your feelings. It is turning them into love. Doing so takes effort, but the results transform our lives and our world.

Every time you experience negative reactions to life, recognize this gift. It is your opportunity to bring more love into the world.
Remember who you are… you are a part of that eternal spiritual self that chose your work in this life. Meet your outer experiences and your inner reactions with enough objectivity to recall this. Then let the love of that eternal Higher Self meet your human reactions as a parent meets a child. Human reactions are rather like upset children. The outrage, hurt, pity party…it’s all there and needs to be listened to with love, but not to have control over our lives.

Loving and listening help us to surrender to trust. The circumstance of the moment is a teacher. I may not like it at first, but it is an opportunity for my higher love to claim mastery within my life. It’s a chance to open so the flow of love into my world can transform my human feelings into something beautiful.

Over my lifetime, my favorite way of transforming emotions into something beautiful was when I channeled music. I wrote songs that turned challenges into beautiful awakenings for me and my listeners.

It was so easy and natural to do that, but the investment of time became impossible once I was a working mom. I have always been a healer. As my skill at helping others grew, I learned to employ what I learned in my own life. Some of those skills are available as Self-Healing MP3s in my website store. I still use them myself because they turn suffering into beauty, wholeness, and love.

Moment by moment, living brings up so many reactions within us. My process for working through those has become almost constant. As a self-employed healer/teacher, it is easier for me. I know it is challenging when you work for other people and are on tight schedules.
But I encourage you to find the time to love yourself through your hurts, fears, anger, and jealousies. To join those with your Higher Love through your open heart, willing mind, and focused willpower. This work builds unity with the Higher Self, which helps you become a co-creator of your life.

Stuffing things builds a toxic debt within your soul that will be paid through health or relationship challenges and loss of self. Loving your way through them fulfills your purpose in the world. It also helps everyone else to let go of negativity.

You are perfect; use that messy human perfection to grow love in the world. The hard things of life are like rocky soil. Working through love to transform your reactions is like breaking rock into fine soil, which can hold love and grow truth. So beautiful!
