
Self Love and True Identity

by Eve Wilson

Self-love can be challenging unless you know WHO you are.

From a spiritual perspective, it is funny that people get identified with their limited experience in their current lifetime. To think that you are your body, mind, personality, social or economic status is like identifying with your toenail trimmings. That is not who you are!

You are an eternal facet of the Oneness of all life. You are here to grow and evolve your skills as an individual soul and to serve others. The body, personality, family, and everything else about your human self are simply vehicles for fulfilling your purpose in this one out of many lifetimes you have experienced. You have played many roles, and all, whether positive or negative, have been essential for the evolution of the soul for yourself, others, and our world.

Love is WHO you are!

Unconditional love is the core of your eternal essence and the most important thing about you.

We are living in an era where it is time to wake up to our true, eternal identities. We don’t need to retreat to the mountaintop or sign our life away to a religion to do this. Your eternal self is as close as your open heart, and it is a reality you gain by looking through your human experiences to find the true purpose behind them. Through your open heart, you can perceive the true intention for each moment. Aligning with that, you become an extension of your Higher, eternal self into the world. You begin to co-create what is needed for yourself and for others in each moment.

Learning to focus within yourself lets you claim your identity from the outer ego journey.

That outer journey is important but does not hold within it the answers and guidance you require to succeed.

Success in life flows from unity within.

Unity of heart, mind, body, and soul with eternal spiritual Higher Self. This unity allows your human self to become part of your true identity. Then, everything in your life flows in harmony with the larger purpose of your life.

Challenges of life are like bookmarks within your soul, calling attention to ways you have contracted to strengthen unity and partnership with the Higher Self. Places in your experience that need healing, strengthening, comforting, and forgiving are where your work in the world is done.

This work isn’t about someone else’s needs, though it will help others. You are only responsible for your own growth, your own healing, and the increase of your own unity. That, in turn, allows you to show up in the perfect ways for the greater good of those around you.

Seeking purpose does not mean rescuing others from their experiences, though you may have a job to teach, empower, encourage, or assist. When your human self is partnered with the Higher Self, you know instinctually and clearly what your job is in any circumstance. You also know that others are eternal spiritual beings, too.

They each have challenges that allow them to fulfill their true purpose. So don’t look to them to provide you with a purpose because that can so easily become co-dependent. You don’t need them to be small so you can feel important. The true self is important simply by being present within human experience.

Once identified with eternal true self, loving your human self becomes easy. Compassion for self and others is a product of your unconditionally loving, true spiritual nature.

Commit to growing unity between your Higher Self and your human aspects. This relationship rewards you for eternity!
