You are so much more than you can imagine yourself to be. Every moment of your day and every circumstance you encounter give you the opportunity to know yourself on a deeper level. It’s important that you make room for the authentic you to be uncovered. There are many self- help books, religions, new age philosophies, socially expected behaviors and roles that we play that we can lose ourselves trying to be who we think we should be. While it is important to know how to get along and succeed in the world, no success is complete without being true to our selves. It is in that inner self-awareness that we find our genius and the unique gifts that make us essential to the greater good. It is that which makes our life fulfilling.
Many people try so hard to be good that they lose their selves. They don’t value their selves enough. It is essential that each person develop a relationship with their self that is stronger and deeper than their relationships with others; and a commitment to their self which is stronger than their commitment to their roles in life. In this inner relationship a person finds God uniquely, truly and firmly planted within their own soul.
There is a way of being awake inside that you find when you get out of your head and really feel your experience through every part of your body. This brings your soul into your body and into the present moment. Your soul is the body of learning, wisdom and experience that you have built through all of your lifetimes. Being present in your body your soul is grounded and active in the world. In this way you can learn to recognize the innate intelligence and wisdom to respond to life each moment, in the most interesting and successful ways.
Of course some people are just grounded into their body but not awake spiritually. I assume that since you are reading this article that you are already spiritually awake. When you are spiritually awake and in your body you are bringing God consciousness into your vehicle of action in the world.
Many people live in their minds and when you look at them they are not in their body, but their soul energies are like balloons rising out of their heads. Their minds are running their life, making decisions hurrying through one task to get to the next or just wandering around in their imagination. They may be doing good things, but they are realizing only a fraction of their potential.
Being present in your body there is a place within your core that includes your heart and your belly where you collect data through sensations, intuitions, emotions, psychic awareness and instincts among hundreds of other information sources. At this level you automatically sort that input. From within your core intelligence and through your connection to God within your body you can respond with great creative intelligence to the opportunities presented through each moment of your life. It is so much more interesting and effective than the two dimensional feeling of being in your head and trying to control your life from that small focus of mental choice.
Living in this way also assists a person to mature on a deeper level. When you live in your head you can control many of your behaviors from your mind and just ignore the more immature parts of you that you don’t want to express. Being present in your body, those parts of you will have to be worked on so that they express with maturity and love. As those aspects grow more mature and loving you are becoming truly enlightened instead of just being outwardly good. I always feel that there are really important elements present in our lower nature which God uses for a greater good. We aren’t always supposed to be just one way. We are complex and sometimes we are intense or angry for a good reason (among other lower nature emotions). As we mature in our self-awareness within our body these lower energies become evolved, come under the governance of our higher consciousness and find their rightful place within our lives or can be healed and integrated at a higher level. There are many flavors to our genuine self and this makes us colorful and interesting.
To practice living more within your whole body, meditate to develop your body awareness. Lay flat on your back (or don’t if that is uncomfortable for you) and breath into your toes. Tense your toes and release them, feeling each one individually. Relax each toe until it feels really soft and alive. Work up through your body doing that with each body part (get as detailed as you have time for). You will feel deeply relaxed and tingly throughout. Breathe into your whole body and feel your energy and soul settling into and around your body. Learn to love and feel at home there.
Then during your day bring yourself back to center around your body by tensing and releasing your feet, legs, back and belly and re-centering in and around your body. Breathe, and allow your self to live centered within your heart and belly and supported by your legs, feet, hips and spine. Respond to life from your middle rather than just your head. Your mind helps you focus, and your body is where the power is, use them together. Begin to trust the feelings and instincts that come up and follow that inner guidance increasingly. You’ll find it is trustworthy and creative and wiser than your mind alone could ever be.