
Life and Faith

by Eve Wilson

At the core of each life there is a center of eternal spirit, safe, whole and unbreakable, wise, purposeful and enlightened.  As human beings though, we tend to look for enlightenment and security in the world around us.  This may be because in our experience it seems like what we think, feel and do are who we are, and therefore enlightenment must be somewhere else.


This seems logical if we think of it, to look for wisdom, truth and purpose for our lives from parents, educators, religious leaders, relationships, etc.  But there is a strange psychological and spiritual reality, which is that when you have found it within yourself, then you will find it in the world around you.  If you don’t own it yet within, you will not be able to find it outside of yourself.  As within, so without.


The gift of this is that you already have what you need within.  If you could find it out there you wouldn’t realize it for yourself you would always expect it to be outside of you.


Having faith in ourselves and relying on the truth within us, is not contrary to having faith in God or faith in others, as I said above when you find it within you will find that it is there for you from other sources as well.  But look first within yourself for the kernel of wisdom, insight, love and power that you hold, even if it seems small or subtle, it is the foundation for drawing to you what you need from the world around you.  As you learn to recognize, trust and utilize the potential within yourself it grows and becomes easier to access and more powerful in its influence.  Before you know it you will find that you are the one you trust the most in your life.  This gives you a tremendous inner strength and self confidence.


Relying on your self spiritually, emotionally, mentally and in the mundane aspects of life is good.  It is also good to receive love, support and wisdom from those around you.  But if you rely solely on those around you it weakens you so that when no one is there, then you feel lost.  So build that relationship with your inner truth and then you can enjoy the gifts from the world around you as well.


The wisdom and power within that we are talking about is the presence of divine consciousness or God/Goddess within you.  That presence is within all of life.  Once you know it within, you will find it all around you and within every experience of your life.  There is a purpose behind every person, event and action that is impossible to understand objectively.  But as you pay attention to God within yourself, you can get clearer about what God is doing within the world around you and you find that everything is working toward a greater good.  That good may be so large it is hard to see and understand from the perspective of here and now.  As a healer, I have gradually, over 24 yrs. of working come to see enough of the bigger picture to feel confident in telling you that everything is OK.  As you come to trust that divine presence within yourself, you will find an inner peace within the drama of life that holds you on center regardless of what is happening.  As you hold on to that inner peace, life can be as dramatic as it needs to be, and you can ride that drama out from your center until things settle down.  Everything is OK.
