

Healing and Ascension Monthlies

Thanks so much for tonight and for the whole series. This was my first series and I am looking forward to continuing. I could feel Lake Michigan and also the Atlantic Ocean by Virginia Beach and I believe this is part of their message for me. That I am water just like I am earth.  I can ground in the water like I do with the earth. I am dolphin enlightened in the new world. Holy Spirit flow through me. I am forgiven for everything. I am grateful for everything. And then I thank everything for being my teacher. Much love.  

Healing and Ascension Monthlies

Please RSVP me for the upcoming Monthly Ascension Support series. These have been pivotal to my well being and ascension process. I have no words to express the depth of my gratitude. I can’t believe how far I’ve come in just 6 months!!!!!

Healing and Ascension Monthlies

Thank you for the classes and the power animal from the last class has been an important helper for me. I find that the bear is gentle yet strong, loving yet powerful and substantial in filling out my aura. With the bear within me I feel safe and protected in my energy field and that gives me more confidence to ground more into my body. The profound changes have been inward – more in touch with my true essence. I had a profound knowingness of my purpose here on earth and it is so simple yet for years I’ve tried so hard to figure it out.

Healing and Ascension Monthlies

My “word” for the meditation was also that I felt “whole”. And interesting thing, at the end you thanked the pets that were present, because the moment I started the meditation, shadow was plastered at my side purring, rolling around, cuddling, and the minute the meditation was over (but I was still sitting there in the same spot), he went back to his usual spot in front of the window looking out. So, kind of cool he came along with us too on that meditation!

Healing and Ascension Monthlies

Last night during our navel chakra clearing, I saw this beautiful Light, and within it, I saw the silhouette of Jesus (whole body).   Behind him stood more people (shadows of – no faces).  I believe the others to be Ascended Masters as well.  What an incredible feeling of love and safety and strength!  Wow Eve!  I just cried and cried.  Even now as I type this.  Such tears of absolute Joy. How beautiful.  I wish I knew a way to sprinkle this feeling all over the Earth.  I’ve been interested to meet my Guides, and now, what a blessing received,

Monthly Ascension Support Class

From the tools that I learned in this class I was able to find joy!  Joy with myself, my relationships, nature, joy with just being.  I learned how to heal my past hurts, my relationships and myself, and to love myself just as I am.