

Weekly Word Blog

At the end of my work week, I like to celebrate with a cup of my favorite beverage and insights from my favorite blog.  Eve’s perspective always provides limitless possibilities for my day to day life as a spiritual being–and for that I am grateful!

Weekly Word Blog

Since our healing class last spring, I just wanted to let you know that I love staying in touch through your weekly posts!

Weekly Word Blog

This was enormously helpful – I tried it immediately on an uncomfortable body part, and the almost-pain lifted immediately.You are a blessing to the world.Thank you.

Weekly Word Blog

This is stunningly important and I’m so glad you shared it with all of us! Thank you for your work in the world.

Weekly Word Blog

Dear Eve—I just wanted to thank you for all you do for the Earth and all her inhabitants!  There are so many working on the Earth now, but they don’t all ask Earth or the soil or even Spirit what is needed, they just decide on their own.  It makes me crazy 😉

Weekly Word Blog

This blog is SO IMPORTANT and pivotal for what is happening and where we are heading this year!!  Thank you for it!!!

Weekly Word Blog

Your blog is amazing!  I never start Friday morning until I have read it!

Weekly Word Blog

It is so exciting to hear about the things that you are accomplishing.  It is the only way I hear about the new world coming into being…… Messages for Hope!  Very important in this crazy world.

Weekly Word Blog

Your blog about ascension and the election has really helped me to stay centered despite the outcome.

Weekly Word Blog

Your weekly communications have been a very valuable and loving source of support and guidance, and I am most grateful for them … and you! Thank you again!