
One of the most important things to work on with ascension is to bridge and integrate your higher consciousness with your lower or unconscious self.  The lower self is your feeling and instinctual self; sometimes I call it your animal self.

I love animals, find them wise, beautiful and free, so I don’t see the lower self as anything less than the higher self, just different.  Your higher self connects most easily with the eternal perspective of spirit and eternity to help you respond clearly to life.  However, the wisdom and power wtihin the lower nature is essential for success in the world and for allowing the world to ascend.

Because the lower nature is feelings and instincts there is a lot of power and chaos there. This is why many spiritual people just try to control it or to rise above it, rather than integrate it.  But you are one whole being and you can’t just live in half of yourself and expect any of it to be right.  Without your lower self you are missing what you need to succeed in your life, for all your higher perspective life just doesn’t work as well as it should.  It is like each aspect of yourself was one eye.  When you close one eye and look out of the other, your perspective is a little bit off, you are missing a big part of the picture.  You need to use both parts of yourself to see and respond to life in unconditional love and truth.

When you have feelings coming up, there is always a true message within them that you will ultimately regret not knowing.  Think of your feeling/animal/lower nature as your child and treat it like you would a child.  A loving parent doesn’t allow a child to run the household, but neither do they ignore them and tell them to go away.  A loving parent makes their child a priority and their needs, whether physical or emotional are met to the best of the parent’s ability.

Treat your body and your emotions like your child.  Give them exercise, fun, good food, enough sleep and down time, require them to support you and do their rightful part as well.  When you have feelings that come up, listen to them.  Speak to your feelings from  your inner wisdom within your heart, telling them to calm down, you are listening.  Ask them to explain what all the fuss is about.  Work with this part of yourself until you get the kernel of truth under all the drama and you will find it to be an essential piece of information; an irreplaceable gem.  When you find out what the issue is, do your best to respond to it, as a good parent would, only in this instance it is responding on your own behalf with love, care, respect and reliability, dealing with whatever is there.  This will build the relationship that allows your higher self and your lower self to merge into one functional whole.  That whole will come to be rich, joyful and successful in every way.

Like with children, the unconscious self needs the more adult perspective from the higher self.  But like with a parent, your higher self needs the truth that only the child can bring.  Linking the two, God can live within you and through you to bless the world.

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Love and blessings on your journey of ascension this week!  Eve

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