A New Perspective

Here at the end of summer, as our soul energies return from their expanded summer state to be focused again within our human identity, there is opportunity for change.

In summer we are touched by a more cosmic sense of self and receive new information from higher levels to integrate into our human experience.  But now the pull of earth and the turning of the seasons call us back to ourselves.  As our energy condenses back into personal focus, there is an opportunity to see ourselves with a new perspective and clarity.  We are still more expanded, we haven’t returned fully, but our focus is being redirected and so we see our human self from a higher place.

This particular focus can allow us to see those aspects of ourselves and our lives that are ready for change and to perceive what is needed in areas where we haven’t been clear before.

Take advantage of this opportunity by spending time meditating or listening within to your body and soul.  Pay attention to your dreams and the light bulbs that go off at moments of solitude, providing you insight and opportunities to release what is no longer meaningful, healthful or appropriate in your inner life and in your outer choices.

This can be a great time to take advantage of healing treatments.  They can assist in the letting go of what is no longer serving and help you make room within, preparing yourself to birth the seed of truth that you have received during the summer!

Love and blessings on your journey this week!  Eve

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