Old World Body/New World Body!

Throughout each day I have to choose over and over again whether to live in my new world self or my old world self.  They both exist together within me as they do also within you during the ascension process we are undergoing. 

I have especially noticed this lately with my physical body.  My old world body is in the process passing away as my new world body is birthing within me.  It is a pretty amazing process and when I look at it with my spiritual vision I can see the two different states co-existing within me.  If I am orienting toward my old world self, my body feels pretty crappy sometimes.  But centering within my inner wisdom I can choose to live in my new world body and there I feel pretty good!  The same thing with my emotional and mental states.  When I feel emotionally or mentally negative, I can center in my inner wisdom and ask to live in my new world self and there I feel clear and balanced. 

Sometimes I have healing work to do on issues from my past so that I can live in the clearer parts of me.  When this is the case, the simple request to live in the new world isn’t enough.  Sometimes the issues that I carry connect to lots of other people and their issues.  Then the healing work gets more complex.  But once it is resolved, I have helped many others to ascend to a higher level as well, so the work is worthwhile and I don’t mind that for a short while it made me uncomfortable.  Everything is connected to everything else and I am happy to do my part to help the world ascend to a place of unconditional love and unity.  I can’t think of anything I would rather be doing!