Reiki Attunements & Ascension

One way to bring yourself into alignment with your truth, release old world energies that you don’t need and kick your ascension process up a couple of notches is to get attuned to practice Reiki.  With each of the 3 levels of Reiki you receive an attunement which does all of that and each one is exponentially more potent.  Reiki I does it at the physical level and people have reported amazing changes including quitting smoking spontaneously and feeling their immune system and overall energy is stronger.  Reiki II works at the emotional and mental level and people report that it is much easier to make good choices for their selves and let go of old emotional dependencies with this attunement.  Reiki III works at the spiritual level and people receiving this attunement notice an increase in their intuitive abilities and spiritual skills. 

I recommend doing the classes a minimum of 3 weeks apart so your system has time to integrate the changes and be ready for more rather than doing multiple levels in a weekend. I will be offering all three levels this fall on different Saturdays.  Visit my website or email me for details: