Balance Point

Hi Everyone!  The latest thing for staying centered and strong within your body and aura is something I am calling the Balance Point.

You who’ve been reading my blog and articles are familiar with your Inner Wisdom deep within your new world heart chakra and back toward your spine.  This is the still place of inner knowing and a focus of divine consciousness and will within your body and soul.

The balance point is where you center on your Inner Wisdom and ask that wise one to provide you with another, small focus of your Inner Wisdom deeper within your body/aura.  Good places to have this focus are the back of your waist or the back of your tailbone.  For those who I have trained to work with healing and ascension, when you are working on big stuff, you might add a third point even lower, explore to find the spot(s) that work for you.

e combination of the Inner Wisdom within your heart chakra and the balance point makes it easier to stay grounded and centered within your body and aura and to access the essence of truth of God above and below to support you; like a tree is nourished, so are we.  The increased balance helps to stabilize you so you can integrate your higher consciousness more consistently into your life, which is the essence of ascension!

We started the 101 class last night, and have a great group of really nice people.  We recorded the first class, so you can still join and not miss anything, there is room if you would like!  The Monthly Ascension Support Class is filling up too, but there is room for you.  One very busy working mom just signed up for her third 6 month series, saying she loves it, it keeps her going.  Contact me at about classes or personal healings.

I’d love to hear from you if you care to leave a reply in the box below.  Or use the Facebook link to like this site so others can find us. Thanks!

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