2014 has us landing more deeply in ourselves; letting go of old fears and worries and stepping into a stronger relationship with God through our higher consciousness settling deeper within our own bodies and souls. We are being asked to shift our identity from limited human to focused divine. It is a journey that will go more smoothly when you are deliberately flowing with the change, rather than it happening without your awareness and feeling out of control. But it will happen regardless of how you do it!
Get together with me and others once a month for friendship and ascension. We’ll work gently to let go of what is ready to release for each participant and their soul group, including family members as they are ready. We’ll tune up and upgrade our energies so that we are living increasingly in our new world selves and integrating higher levels of soul and truth into our daily lives.
It is so easy and smooth, you’ll enjoy the benefits of change almost as though you had always been in this clearer place; it will feel so familiar to you. That is how we do it in The Monthly Ascension Support Class. No homework unless you want it, just smooth process and ascension of body, emotion, mind spirit and soul. Classes start March 27th. Participate by phone, Skype or in person in Ann Arbor, recordings of missed classes free.
Together we influence the planetary ascension, helping the world to shift more easily too.
If you would like to learn practical life-supporting skills for spiritual people, join the 101 class starting next Wednesday Jan. 15th for 6 Wednesday nights of intuition development, clear spiritual connections and boundaries, self-healing and empowerment and so much more! Use this link or email me: evew@spiritualhealers.com