
Life is amazing!  This week has brought revelations and deep healing on so many levels, including experiences of things that I had only vaguely glimpsed before.  We are indeed transitioning into the new world!  What has gone before is forgiven, it has served a purpose and the wounds caused by the old states of separation are ready to be made whole.  The experience of unity and unconditional love is here with us, waiting to be recognized and accepted.

A key element of making these shifts is acknowledging and giving into God’s care (by whatever name you call that ONE) the old hurts, shames, blames, guilts and the pain it has all caused.  Like a river of forgiveness and healing the new world energies are flowing into our lives and our world.  Release the old baggage and your current challenges into that river of love and let yourself be lifted in its clarity and truth.

You are intimately a part of God, always have been, always will be.  So is everyone and everything.  When you ascend, you release the false identity of separation and step back into  unity with your higher self.  That self is here waiting for you.  Remember who you are!

Experience remarkable tools for self-healing, intuition development and ascension during  6 Wednesday evenings!  The Healer Development 101 Class starts April 24th.  Attend by skype, phone or in person in Ann Arbor.  Use the following link: or , or phone 734-780-7635 to enroll.

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