All of Me

There can be two distinct levels of soul development within an individual.  The higher level where we are conscious and know our unity with God and respond with love to the world around us most of the time, and a more unconscious level where we carry most of the same garbage as everyone else.  There is a purpose behind this desparity that can be useful for helping the rest of the world to ascend, so don’t try to stuff or deny that lower stuff, invite God into those lower vibes to help those energies to ascend in yourself.  In so doing you help to lighten the load for others.

For most people there are also two levels of self-identity, the part that knows who you are in truth and the part that feels unworthy of receiving love.  If you find yourself only feeling good when you are giving, you may not love yourself as much as you need to.  Work on receiving God’s love and the love of others as well.  Giving isn’t giving until you are receiving too.  Together they are a circle and cycle of life and to be complete it has to go both ways.  You don’t always receive from those you give to, but to balance you do need to receive, not just from God, but within the world too; even if you only receive from your pets and from your own loving behavior toward yourself, that will work.

The Ascension Support Class begins Thursday, March 21st from 7:30 – 9:30.  There are 3 openings left.  If you would like to join us every 4 weeks for 6 months of support and connection with others who are ascending too, click the following link or just email me: . Participate in person or by phone or skype from anywhere!pt>

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