The power of unconditional love is not dependent on you being worthy of it in your own or anyone else’s estimation. It is simply there and it loves…always. You can access it no matter how you are feeling and no matter what you have done that you judge unworthy of love.
Wherever you are judging or feeling judged, you can still welcome God’s love into the place where you are. Let it percolate through the judgment and turn that power into love.
Judgment can often be a symptom of a strong of drive and intent toward good that gets stuck in a lower vibration. You don’t want to eliminate that drive. Invite God to bring to your soul a spirit of kindness to balance your inner drive so that it becomes a loving expression within your life. Then invite God to use and direct your personal drive so that it brings good into your life and the world.
There is still time to join The Healer & Ascension Certification Course which begins Tuesday, March 19th. Meet with me for an initial healing session and we will explore whether this course fits with your soul’s direction at this time! You can email me about that using the following link, or through my website: