2025 is providing us with a good workout for mastering fear and stress. We are ready for this season of challenge because we have been working toward our self-mastery, many of us for a very long time. But all of us on this path, for however long, have been building the strength needed to discover how strong we are in truth, through these current events.
It is my job to remind you that the circumstances of life are a mirror, reflecting to our consciousness the work we have contracted to do. They mirror our strength and wholeness when we are focused on unity between our Higher Self and human self. They mirror our vulnerability and weakness when we succumb to the lies and forget that we are eternal beings having a human experience; and then things can get really bumpy on our road of life.
Fear is the fundamental old world lie. It was born of the illusions we chose for this incarnation as the path to individuate and grow strong souls. Souls are the body of strength and skill we build through all our incarnations. They are created by design as a body or vehicle for our eternal Higher Self to be able to live as an individual. We are, and always will be, an integral piece of the Oneness – eternal, safe, and unbreakable. As part of that oneness, we each design our lifetimes and our challenges with soul development in mind. Working to build the strength within our souls that will prepare them to hold unity with our eternal selves; and with the Oneness, while remaining individual and sovereign. Fear was an effective tool to accomplish our goals. It is an instinctual reaction to the belief that we are temporary, vulnerable, and alone. It provides the weight on our workout machine of soul building.
Our human body, emotion, ego, and mind are the workout machine. They contain the strengths and weaknesses of our current life’s workout designed to meet our goals for soul growth and mastery. The interactions we experience with the world around are contractual from prior to this incarnation. The world around responds to us through those contracts, providing us with the challenges and gifts we need to succeed in our goals for each lifetime. So, we could say that the world is a mirror, reflecting what we need to empower within ourselves. Other people and circumstances show us where we need to grow.
My approach to a time of challenge, such as we are facing, is to work with those soul goals. To help people to find the strength within to achieve the levels of mastery required with as little stress and trauma as needed. I do this for myself, clients, and for the world soul groups (People of certain races, economic groups, religious groups, sexual orientations etc.), for pets, animals, nature and the planet. I work outside of time: Working with souls and soul groups in the past and in past lives to retroactively integrate the greater mastery, skills and understanding which are presently available to us but were not at that time. I work with the future souls who have already mastered the challenges we face, to retroactively integrate their skills and knowledge into the present and the past. The changes we can make this way are woven across time to provide a new foundation for living in our truth and power. These things allow change in the present to flow naturally and easily. Those who have worked this process with me know how effective it is!
Most importantly, you can work daily with the challenges you face, by remembering that they mirror your need for growth and empowerment. That essence of truth of God within you – what many call their Higher Self because it is your unique facet of that one – has brought you to each moment in time with exactly what is needed to grow the next level of strength you need. You don’t have to be prefect at things, because you are learning! All you have to do is the best that you can. This will require remembering that fear is a lie. Okay, it tells you that there is a challenge to face – get ready for it.
The way you get ready to face your challenges is to grow your unity of Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, and essence of truth of God with your human personality, body, emotions, and mind. It’s tricky, because your human self is programmed to react with fears and judgments, and doubts, to believe you are alone. So, you have to focus on the strength of your unity with Inner Wisdom, Higher Self and essence of truth of God to find the inner balance needed to move forward in unconditional love for yourself, and belief that you can do what is needed. This unity and strength is there to access within you when you make it a priority, ideally every day.
The skills needed are those I have been teaching over and over in different ways. You have developed a level of ability for handling things in your life successfully if you’ve been using my tools. That doesn’t always change the fear and anxiety right away. But it provides you with needed ballast and strength to move forward and increase your mastery of the challenges.
It helps to recall that those who challenge you were contracted by you to mirror the illusions of separation, fear, vulnerability, aloneness. When you believe in that reflected illusion you give it power to control you. If you deny its existence, you miss the point. When you work through your fear to own your unity and wholeness between human and divine, you find the right way to respond and grow. This completes the contracts for the challenge and the opposition loses power to influence you.
In my experience, this process is essential. It requires daily spiritual focus and inner work to master and overcome the problems before they appear to overcome you. They can’t ever really overcome you, because you are eternal, safe and unbreakable. But they can surely make life uncomfortable!
When you are working to build unity in the ways that I teach, you are supported and protected by the unity you create, even during the phase of overcoming and building mastery. But where you are denying your truth and resisting your empowerment through whatever excuses you may use; the challenges will intensify. The job isn’t to fight what is out there, it is to grow the truth within yourself. Once there you no longer need the challenge to make you realize you need to grow the contract is fulfilled.
What comes to mind to share with you for this phase is some of my most potent phrases that can be used as an inner mantra as needed until fear passes:
- The essence of truth of God is within me and I am within the essence of truth of God.
- All you are is God, you can’t hurt me, you can only make me stronger. Thank you for being my teacher.
- I am eternal, safe, and unbreakable.
Essence of truth of God is the clearest focus of the Oneness that you can access at the present time. You can also use essence of truth as a preface to whatever you are seeking to connect clearly to. Whether you want to connect to the clearest focus of your Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, a spirit guide or whatever. It will help with any of those things.
I also would like to remind you that through my website you have access to many tools for empowering your unity and wholeness. How to access them can be found below this post in Resources. Feel free to explore them. I would especially welcome you to join me for Healing and Ascension Monthlies to receive regular support and training for building unity, overcoming and mastering obstacles, and ascending. Find out more about Monthlies in Resources below this post.
From my perspective, from my work on higher planes of reality to help our world heal and ascend, I can tell you that the power of the old world is greatly diminished. That is probably why it is growling so loudly. It is afraid because it is ending. But also, because it is time for us to step up to our true identity and recognize that we are ready to ascend into the new world. The dysfunction of the old world and the hopelessness of it ever working out is telling us to let it go. There is a much finer next step to ascend to. Focus on that process, invest in your unity of spirit and human, and your transition to the new world will be so much easier, and infinitely possible. I believe in you!
For more about the journey of ascension – what it is, why we are on it, what that means for our world, read my book Riding the Wave of Change, Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World.
Blessings and love always,
Resources for the Journey of Ascension:
! Healing & Ascension Monthlies Classes are transforming the world!
!!Join with a friend and you each save $25!!
Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping our world heal and ascend, Monthlies offer potent support to smooth your journey of life, healing, and ascension. Join us for the next series of 6 starting 1/30/25. We meet by phone conference and classes are recorded should you have to miss, every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. There is a base fee, but also a sliding scale if needed! To enroll visit https://spiritualhealers.com/participate for more information and to contact me through my website. Or email evew@spiritualhealers.com
- Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment. We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower. This also helps those connected with you and others who need this work. Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships. email evew@spiritualhealers.com or visit https://spiritualhealers.com/heal/ for more information, testimonials and to contact me that way.
- Video Gallery – Interviews with Eve, Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos and More: spiritualhealers.com/video-gallery
- Self-Healing Mini-Classes are available on MP3 from my website store for as little as $10 at spiritualhealers.com/store/
- Free Tools for riding the waves of change on earth:
- 8 years of weekly word posts are in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way.
- Previously Published Articles from Body Mind Spirit Guide and Wisdom magazines that give perspective on every aspect of life, healing and ascension. https://bodymindspiritguide.com/author/eve-wilson/
- My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change. Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at evewilson-ridingthewave.com or in paperback at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore and Castle Remedies Ann Arbor, The Higher Self Bookstore and Horizon Books Traverse City. Also available on Amazon.com where you can leave a review, even if you bought it elsewhere. Thanks so much if you do!
- Social Media – Join me on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or BodyMindSpiritNetwork to receive Healing Treatment Coupons, Monday Meditations, Wednesday Inspirations and links to this blog and more. Links are present at the top and bottom of my homepage at spiritualhealers.com and BMSN has its own section toward the bottom of that page.
- Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class. Enrolling now – email evew@spiritualhealers.com
Beautiful words Eve 🦋🐋💚. Thank you so much🙏🤗💙. Tyra
Thank you Tyra 💗 you are so appreciated and loved, Eve
I find myself speechless for a change 🙃 and instead am soaking up the power behind these words 💜
While I always enjoy your words, I find myself deeply touched by your simple statement about your experience with this post 💗🕊☺️ Thank you Zsuzsanna 🐢Blessings and love, Eve