Final Upgrades 2023

2023 has been a year of comprehensive clearing and upgrading of our human potentials.  We’ve let go of countless old-world blocks and limitations.  Where those used to limit us, we are now building the means to integrate our Higher Selves into our lives to co-create our new world on Earth.  Soul and world contracts have been retroactively upgraded back to their inception early in human evolution.  Now they will help welcome unity and continue to release the separation between our human and higher spiritual aspects of self.

This week has continued that trend, working to complete as much as we can before 2024!  Here are just some of what has been happening:

  • Everything I’m going to write about has been happening on more levels than usual. This is because creation is built with multiple levels to give the old-world illusions a greater sense of reality.  Working this week, I have worked on levels that I have never accessed before and found them ready to shift along with those I’ve been working with for years!
  • Many old-world blocks which have supported the lies about who we are and prevented unity with Inner Wisdom, Higher Self and Essence of Truth of God have been upgraded and re-contracted to help with our journey of ascension. Many others have been cleared out of our world.
  • Further work has occurred for ascending people’s Brain/Mind. Our mental states are beginning to shed the blinders which have focused our attention mostly on what is unreal, such as the fears and demands of the old world.  Our minds are becoming able and ready to release those old limits.  They are increasingly ready to open to unconditional love and higher wisdom.  This will allow that to guide us and teach us to co-create in harmony all that is needed for the greater good for all.
  • My human mind is beginning to scratch the surface of comprehension of how we will get the bulk of humanity into harmony with Inner Wisdom and Higher Selves and to enter the new world experience. My work this week allowed me to glimpse how that is now in process of awakening as a new reality within humankind on Earth.
  • Further healing has happened for the tear in the substance of life which separated us from the One at the beginning of our individual incarnations. On the Qabalah Tree of Life this torn hole is called Daat.  Healing for this began a couple of years ago, and the new world grows stronger every day within what used to be a great chasm of chaos, allowing it to increasingly become a path to wholeness and unity.  This week’s work processed the cracks that radiate from that tear and is building unity and wholeness within them.
  • Multiple new chakra upgrades are happening this week to help us prepare for next year!  Chakras are the anchors and integration points for our Higher Self into our Human aura and body.  They help us to heal, transform and ascend.
    • The coupon for Quick Chakra Tuning is still good through December.  I was told to suggest using that exercise one or more times before the new year.  Doing so will help you access your upgraded chakras and release old blocks.   This would bring you into good position to welcome the gifts of the new year.
    • Get your copy if you haven’t already Free on my website store:
    • Free Quick Chakra Tuning MP3: Go to Click STORE in the menu.  Add Quick Chakra Tuning to your Cart.  Beneath Total find Have a Promo Coupon?  Click: Redeem Your Coupon.  Enter Code: QUICKCHAKRA before checking out and you will get it for free!

When we go through big rapid periods of shift like we are currently, it can feel a combination of wonderful, exciting, new, and like a somewhat bumpy ride!  Old stuff rises up as it clears, and you can mistakenly feel like something is wrong.  Please accept my reassurance that what appears wrong is passing.  Stay focused and centered in unity with your Inner Wisdom which is one with your Higher Self who is one with the Oneness of All or what I call the essence of truth of God.  This will allow what is clearing to do so with optimal ease and speed.

Think of riding a skateboard and how to stay upright as you move up and down hills and around corners.  You would have to stay deeply centered in your core self.  There’s a healthy tension in your core as you respond to the various shifts from a place of balance and wholeness.  Staying centered as you ascend is somewhat like that, only on all levels of you: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, ego, soul, all in focus at your core in the moment.  This isn’t a cognitive thing, but more like a skateboarder experience.  Just being here now in focus with an open heart; holding steady in your core of true identity as you meet each moment.  This is a skill building process, but you can still enjoy the ups and downs and unexpected curves of the ride!  A major element of this is trust.  Trust that you are one with the One as you have always been, even when you forgot that.  That wherever you are you are in the right place, you are supported as needed, and that your best is good enough.  Relax in that and you will ride these waves of change successfully!

I love you, my friends!  Have a very blessed 2024!





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4 months ago

Yay!! 💫🌈🦋. I am so excited! I wonder what blessings await for 2024? 🤔😲🥳
Have a wonderful New Year’s, Eve! Much love to you! 💚💙🩵

4 months ago

Thank you for the gift of the quick chakra tuning, Eve! ❤️ In my heart I believe what you’ve written is true and it makes me feel hopeful. Can’t wait to see the actual changes in my experience. The last few months have been pretty tough.

Tracey Darling
Tracey Darling
4 months ago

Thank you, Eve! 🌻

4 months ago

What a year it’s been! I am excited for 2024 to begin its unfolding!

Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
4 months ago

Wishing you the best and everyday peace and love In 2024 🙏 💞 🙏 💕