Resolution of Conflict

At the core of all of life is divine consciousness which we can call God or something else if you prefer.  It is the eternal oneness, unconditional love and wisdom that we truly are.

During the current phase of ascension, there is a lot of resolution happening around conflicts.  Where there has been hatred, blame and attacks of any kind and where there has been an experience of being victimized, this provides a special opportunity to be accountable for your part in that experience and release guilt, shame, hatred or powerlessness.  Inviting God into the feelings around these circumstances and welcoming  unconditional love and wisdom of God into the exact time and place that events have occurred, whether current or ancient creates an opportunity for healing on deep, profound and often vast levels of humand and planetary experience.

To bring God into the circumstance, start with yourself.  Step back into yourself until you feel you are as far behind your spine as in front of it.  In this place you will be more objective and grounded.  Breathe into your new world heart chakra which is centered along your spine and wait for your feelings to begin to lift.  Welcome God to ground through the feelings, emotions and thoughts that have been difficult right into the conflictual places within your soul.  You can feel that as pure unconditional love filling and surrounding all the energy and circumstances involved.  From there you can invite God to be present within larger conflicts as well, bringing a field of unconditional love, wholeness, forgiveness and confidence that everything will be all right because healing is happening.

To bring more peace and healing into your life or someone you love this holiday season I am offering $15 off gifts of healing, which includes treatments and classes.  An excellent use of this price break might be to tell someone else what you would really like for a holiday gift!  Here is a link to access this offer by email:

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