Into the Light Wednesday Night

In the wee hours of the morning, I awoke to the most amazing spiritual spectacle! I need to give you some background information as a framework for this shift that will impact all of life on earth in very positive ways.

Early in our old-world evolution, souls were having difficulty crossing over to spirit when they died.  This was because parts of them had bonded with the physical body and the body wasn’t able to go into spirit.  So, the soul parts within the physical body were anchored to earth in such a way that the rest of the soul could return home to spirit.

There were spiritual tools used for this.  I was told to call them coffin nails.  They have been releasing for about a decade now, along with a lot of anger that souls felt at being stuck here.  Lately I have been working on another system that I didn’t realize played a role in this.  It is the pathogenic microbes such as fungus, mold, toxic bacteria and yeast that are all related to the process of decay.  For many years I have known that these hold fragments of soul.  To free people from infections, I have had to clear those soul parts and the openings they have made in people’s energy bodies.

My recent work has been to help these microbes to ascend to a relationship with life that works for everyone.  They have been increasing in the environment which has made them more pathogenic – infecting the soil and water and then entering into previously healthy plants, trees and human bodies.  Fungus especially has had a significant influence on the health of our trees.

  • I know that human use of chemicals has caused a lot of this. But I learned to accept that the weakening of the old world has been planned; and self-destructive human choices have been a part of that plan.  I came to understand that the new world needs to be born and for that the old world has to be weakened.  It’s a hard pill to swallow, but I do it every time I notice another plant or creature struggling with possible extinction.  I have to remind myself over and over to seek them in the new world because they are ascending, and I celebrate when I find them there.  Then I ask Higher Power, if it’s in the greatest good, to support them in living in both the old and new worlds.  Just for now, if they can do so and still be true to themselves until we are further into the new world.  I have begun to notice their health stabilizing when I work this way.

The results of my work with pathogenic microbes that I saw last night were not what I expected, but it makes perfect sense to me!

I was awakened in the early hours to a sense of many souls tapping lightly on my windows.  When I looked with my spirit vision, I saw vast numbers of them, like a wide river of souls streaming toward my house.  They were all dressed up, happy and excited, it was time for them to go home.  They were needing help to cross over into the light.

I was asked to open as many doors as needed to help them to go.  Then I meditated on what was happening.  Where were all these souls coming from and why were they all going home tonight?

I was told that we no longer need the microbes to hold soul parts in the ground, left behind with physical bodies.  Our bodies are ascending too and are no longer preventing any part of our souls from crossing into the light.  We are learning to bring them along with us when we go!

I spent some time exploring this phenomenon and here is what I learned.  These that are going into the light now are soul parts rather than complete souls that are crossing over.  Most complete souls who don’t cross over at the time of death disconnect from the body and anchor in places or with people they knew in life.  Those who are going home now are the pieces of souls that have been anchored into their old-world physical bodies at the time of death.

When they cross over, they will go through the same process as if they were a complete soul going into the light.  They will have a life review, where they gain a higher level of learning from their life experiences.  Then they will go through a period of healing and ascending into greater unity with their Higher Selves and God.

At some point they will either ascend directly into God, or else reincarnate into the new world.  It appears that even those who merge back with God will return to co-create in the new world at some point.  What fun!  No wonder they were so festive and excited last night!

The releasing of soul parts from their dead bodies will continue for several days.  Here is what you might observe as these things clear:  The world feels lighter, fresher, easier to be in as everything is able to shift up to a higher, more new world vibration.

Also, your own body may begin to feel healthier!  The updated contracts for pathogenic microbes is letting them release soul parts that came into our bodies along with infection or overgrowth.  This could include leaky gut issues, yeast infections, nail fungus, chronic infections of any kind.  As the soul parts are released into the light from out of our bodies, our bodies will be able to heal more efficiently from those challenges.  Our energy will feel stronger, more focused and clearer.  Negative attitudes, thoughts and feelings that have seemingly come out of left field sometimes may have come from those soul parts.  Sugar, alcohol and food addictions may become less insistent as those soul parts are no longer sending us messages.  They have tended to encourage us with thoughts and cravings, to do what is not in our best interest; since those behaviors feed the microbes they have been living within.  It will be a relief to not have them there anymore!  There may be some weirdness as they clear – weird thoughts, messages or feelings.  So, take all that with a grain of salt over the next 5 days or so.

It appears that between July and September of next year discarnate souls (often called ghosts) will also be going into the light, to follow a similar process of review, healing and ascending.  This means that those who never went into the light but have been living in places or in other people’s auras that they knew in their lifetimes will now be going home.  Then the places where they have resided will begin to return to their natural state of wholeness.  When a discarnate resides in our homes or auras, it changes those places.  It weakens them and can cause physical or psychological imbalances and problems.  They are often loved and desired by people to be in those places in their lives.  But rest assured that when a soul crosses into the light, our true connections remain, but do so in a healthy way for everyone.  It allows the affected souls to grow; each in their own right way to become whole and sovereign…uniquely and wholly themselves.  This is a good time to begin to say goodbye with love and gratitude, perhaps with ceremony.  Allow them to move on when their time comes.

I’d love to have you join us for Healing & Ascension Monthlies beginning 11-11-21!  Please see Resources below this post for more information.  Readers of this post are offered $20 off when you mention it.

Also, the free Mini-Class is still available through October when you read or share last week’s post!

Blessings and love dear friends,  Eve

Resources for the Journey of Ascension:

  • Enrolling Now!!!Healer & Ascension Certification Course is enrolling for those who wish to become Healers and World Ascension Workers. Graduates are eligible for legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. To enroll email  or visit  for more information and to contact me that way.
  • Healing & Ascension Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping others do so as well.  Join us for the next series of 6 starting 11-11-21 by phone conference and recorded should you have to miss.  We meet every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. To enroll visit more information and to contact me that way. Or email
  • Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class.  Enrolling now – email
  • Free Tools for riding the waves of change on earth – Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos: To help you live in your new world self and strengthen the new world for all of us, there are 3 videos on this site which are free to all.  Type Eve’s 3 Most Important Things into any search box on this blog site to pull them up!  In addition, there are 8 years of weekly word posts in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way. There are many articles on my website previously published in magazines that give perspective on every aspect of life, healing and ascension.
  • My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change.  Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, Nature’s Products in Detroit, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan.  Also available on
  • Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment.  We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower.  This also helps those connected with you and people with similar challenges when they are ready change.  Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships.  email or visit for more information and to contact me that way.
  • Self-Healing Mini-Classes are available on MP3 from my website store for as little as $10 at
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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
2 years ago

Absolutely, phenomenal Eve! Thanks so much for sharing! No wonder allergy and asthma symptoms have been so heightened. Bless you for all that you do 🙏💖🦋. Tyra

2 years ago

Holy mama, Eve. I am sitting on our little deck up north, overlooking the Stillwater and hearing water flowing through the tubes a ways off. Midway through your post, when you were mentioning fungal infections etc., emotion overflowed and I had a two minute long breath work session. There still seems to be a disconnect in my daily life, and the connection to awareness is such as you have posted here. A constant learning in trust. Thank you for sharing this, thank you deeply!

Karlta Zarley
Karlta Zarley
2 years ago

This information mirrors a healing experience another Healer and I were doing on Thursday and explains our experience more fully! Thank you so much for sharing this Eve!

Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
2 years ago

Thank so much for this helpful article!