You Are the Purpose

People often ask me to help them find their purpose for being here on earth at this time.  The truth is that the purpose we all share is to grow our own souls, bodies, emotions, minds and spirits to a level where they are ready to receive and house our true and eternal, unconditionally loving spirit (God within us).

People think they will be able to live their truth when their outer world makes that possible.  The truth is that until you do it where you are, the outer world will continue to push you to grow.  the direction of growth that most of us need is inward.  Finding the places within where we are blocked by hurt, anger, old beliefs, etc.  The discomfort of the outer world is telling you to go within and bring God into those places within you.  So, rather than trying to change the outer world, open your heart to the places within that need to be understood, loved and reconnected with God.

That process is getting easier and easier every day, so if you have tried before and it hasn’t worked, try again.  If you have unblocked it before and now feel blocked again, it means you have to go deeper this time.  Let God all the way in and let the old world go and watch the new world be born inside you.  Then watch how your outer life changes.  You’ll find the new muscles you have built will serve you well as you step into the new places life takes you!

Contact me for a healing when you need support in this process.  Some of it may be connected with a much bigger energy than just this lifetime and support may be just what you need to resolve it.

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11 years ago

Thank u for helping me find my purpose, I always felt that but thought it was too simple to be true…