COVID Vaccine – My Experience

People are often asking me what I think about the COVID Vaccines, and now that I have been vaccinated, I feel I can share my experiences with it.

When they were only beginning to work on creating the vaccines I felt that this was going to be very helpful to get us through our shifts more smoothly and easily – always the goal of my healing and ascension work.  You may recall my several posts last year about the virus, calling it the World Ascension Virus because its job is to help us to ascend.  One of its jobs is to shift our genetic makeup from old world to new world.  It releases the old-world blocks and structures imbedded in our genetic molecule and helps open us to receive new world genetic structures and contracts which are of a much higher and clearer vibration.  The second big job of the virus has been to disrupt the social and financial systems that we have relied on, creating deep and lasting change in the way society does things.  All of this is necessary to help us let go of the old and make room for the new.  This is a very useful pandemic from the standpoint of world ascension.

Despite not being a vaccine person, I felt from the start the COVID vaccines would be a very helpful solution for our world.  I didn’t receive vaccines as a child, and I didn’t give them to my daughter either.  I have helped sensitive children heal from negative impacts from childhood vaccines and have always been grateful that I and my daughter hadn’t had them.  I also stopped giving them to my dog after the first few rounds.  I feel they use too many of them and that his lifestyle doesn’t involve enough other dog interactions to require them.  However, I had a friend who experienced polio as a child just before that vaccine came out and have been so grateful that the vaccine ended the run of that disease.  We no longer receive polio vaccines because it is not a threat; and to me that is an example of the right use of vaccines.  They help us to get through major pandemics which is what COVID is.

So, when they began to develop the COVID vaccines I asked the Higher Power – what I call The Essence of Truth of God – whether the vaccine would serve the same purpose as the virus only with less problems for us.  I was told that it would do so and was invited to help spiritually to make them as safe and effective in serving COVID’s purposes as they could be.  At the time there were only two that I was aware of and it was those two which I worked with.  I only learned about the Johnson & Johnson one recently, after it had been removed from circulation, so it unfortunately was not on my radar and I didn’t work with it.  I was always clear that the vaccines would not be completely safe for everyone but would be far safer than the virus overall and would only give people what they needed from the experience of the virus.  I believe there is a reason I was not invited to work on the one-shot vaccine.  I only have some inklings of that reason and won’t go into it at this time.  But my prayers went out after I learned about it with request for support and healing as needed for those who received it.

I was guided to assist the higher goals of safety and necessary changes through the vaccine by asking that the Essence of Truth of God would plant a seed of unconditional love and unity with God within the vaccines.  And with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines I clearly see it there as a radiant light of unconditional love and unity.  This made me feel very confident getting the vaccine myself.  I did so because I have close family members who are vulnerable and felt it was best to support us to achieve the desired 70% immunized numbers for optimal success with the vaccinations for our world’s safety.

A couple that I know had two very different experiences with their vaccines prior to me receiving mine and I learned from their experience.  She drank a lot of water before and after and had no negative symptoms from either shot, but just felt good.  He did not and felt tired and had to rest.  So, my husband and I both did that and found it to be a very easy experience.  In fact, my husband felt better than I had seen him in some time immediately after his first shot.  He got into some major yard project which he hadn’t felt up to before that.  We both exercised the arm that had been injected to help eliminate the soreness from the shot, which helped minimize that discomfort.  It was obvious to my healer’s eyes that my husband was clearing a lot of stuff after his shots, but he felt fine.  I have noticed a lot of clearing for myself, of many things that I have previous not been able to resolve fully.  I was told the vaccine would help me a great deal, and it has. My physical symptoms have been mild.  My spiritual and psychological work has been more evident to me.  I have been able to work through some of my hardest issues, bringing a number things into balance and peace across all my lifetimes.  I still have one week to go of integrating the benefits of the second shot, so expect more such processing to come.

I have since learned that the vaccines have some technological elements that people are uncomfortable with, because they affect the genetic molecules.  However, in meditating on this, the genetic influence seems appropriate because it can carry on the genetic work that COVID does.  I have looked for it but am not perceiving any evil or malicious elements to this vaccine either human or spiritual.  I believe that the healing work I was encouraged and supported to do with the vaccines has helped with that.  But mostly I feel the Higher Power has used the pharmaceutical companies (not the most morally high businesses by any means) to bring forth this gift to us.

I am not permitted to tell you what you should do with regards to receiving the vaccine for yourself, which is why I haven’t written about it at all since the vaccines became available.  However, today I have been permitted to share my experience with it, and hope that it will be of use to people to know how it went for me.  Best wishes whichever route you take my friends.

Blessings and Love, Eve

P.S. I am offering a Coupon for $20 Off for first timers joining Healing & Ascension Monthlies Class.  See Resources below.  There is also a sliding scale for this course if you need that.

Resources for the Journey of Ascension:

  • Enrolling Now!!!Healing & Ascension Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping others do so as well.  Join us for the next series of 6 Starting May 27 by phone conference and recorded should you have to miss.  We meet every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. To enroll visit for more information and to contact me that way. Or email
  • Enrolling Now!!!Healer & Ascension Certification Course is enrolling for those who wish to become Healers and World Ascension Workers. Graduates are eligible for legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. To enroll email  or visit  for more information and to contact me that way.
  • Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class.  Enrolling now – email
  • Free Tools for riding the waves of change on earth – To help you live in your new world self and strengthen the new world for all of us, there are 3 videos on this site which are free to all.  Type Eve’s 3 Most Important Things into any search box on this site to pull them up!  In addition, there are 8 years of weekly word posts in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way.
  • My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change.  Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, Nature’s Products in Detroit, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan.
  • Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment.  We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower.  This also helps those connected with you and people with similar challenges when they are ready change.  Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships.  email or visit for more information and to contact me that way.
  • Self-Healing Mini-Classes are available on MP3 from my website store for as little as $10 at
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3 years ago

Dear Eve–Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! Your experience is similar to mine. I appreciate so much the work you do in this world! xoxo

Donna petry
Donna petry
3 years ago

Hi Eve. Donna here. I had COVID last year. In the hospital for a week and on oxygen at home for another two weeks, etc. Did having it help with my.personal shifts? Thanks for posting your own experiences with the vaccine. Hugs and blessings. Love, Donna

Pat Ingersoll
Pat Ingersoll
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing your experience…. I needed that! … a boost to call for an appointment, and same day shot. Slightly sore arm, to be expected.

3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience. I just have my first shot last week and everything is ok with me and my husband too. We haven’t felt any discomfort at all and the energy of love is clearer now.

Diane Atkinson
Diane Atkinson
3 years ago

Thank you Eve for expressing your thoughts and experience. It was encouraging. I just received my second Pfizer shot this afternoon. Although, I haven’t have any vaccines since childhood, I intuitively felt this vaccine was to be of great value.
Also, I feel deep gratitude for the Healer Development Classes and Reiki you taught when I was in Michigan (1993-6). I learned, processed,and grew so much…. 🙂
Much love, Diane

Shannon OBrien
Shannon OBrien
2 years ago

I have been agonizing over whether or not to get the vaccine. I have not been vaccinated with anything since I was a child, either. My kids were 90% not vaccinated..yet all three older ones have had it, my husband, my entire family, and many friends. I have felt a little voice inside saying “no” but have not been able to clearly define the “no”. I am realizing now that it has been because the “no” has been said out of a deep fear. This will not do! I have felt glimmers of a positive energy over the months, but it has been repeatedly squashed by these fears. Fears around..? I read your blog about asking angels for assistance..only 10 minutes of opening this channel and I already feel clearer. I am most definitely my own worst enemy! :)! Or another more gentle way of looking at it..when it’s time, it’s time. Trust. Thanks tremendously, for all that you do.