Amazing Blessings from World Virus

Despite fear, grief and inconvenience the world virus is helping us in so many ways.  You may have noticed an increased spirit of cooperation, kindness and generosity exhibited by organizations and individuals.  I’d like to share some other benefits that are obvious to me as an Ascension Worker; and which I find simply amazing!

We are experiencing an ascension virus, designed to break down the old-world genetic material and bring the new world genetic material into place.  Where people are already experiencing this genetic transition, the virus isn’t going to be necessary for them, and they won’t get sick.  It is still good to practice the recommended safety techniques so that you don’t transmit it to someone else, or someone you love and then feel guilty about it!

There is an unusual unifying element that I notice when I work with the world as a whole.  The social distancing and quarantine have had the effect of creating quiet and space in a world which was loudly frenetic and psychically noisy prior to this event.  There is an aura of expectancy and openness to the Higher Power; a vulnerability and willingness to be supported, protected and to receive love from the One Source, though it is called by many different names.  There is an eagerness to shift and an end to about 80% of the resistance I used to encounter when assisting individual or world ascension.

When working with clients and the world I am finding the genetic material to be amazingly ready to dump old world blocks and contracts and to ascend.  Emotionally and mentally, there is a phenomenal level of willingness to release old hurts and to enter into harmony with Higher Self.  Collectively there is a vast amount of old karmic baggage from all periods in our past which is easily transitioning back into Oneness to be healed.

This is the best time ever to review old issues, particularly those that involved feeling hurt, abused, imposed on, limited or causing those problems for others.  These and other things are ready to be cleared, forgiven and healed.

With all this new space being freed up from our bodies and souls it is essential to welcome our Higher Selves to enter these newly available places within.  This helps them ascend into greater harmony and love.

There is so much more going on that I don’t know how to talk about yet, but the things I have written about are very clear to me.  Thank you for letting me share them with you!

Know that you have my love and compassion as you go through this challenging experience.  Though I know it is all for the good, I also live the challenges with you, and choose to join my fear and grief with my Higher Self to create the energy of love needed to walk this path of ascension.

Thank you for commenting, sharing or liking this post as it feels right to you.  It helps people find this support for their lives and strengthens our ascension community!

Blessings, Love and Gratitude, Eve

P.S. I am taking phone appointments for Healing & Ascension Treatments. It is my pleasure to support people in strengthening immunity by stimulating unity and wholeness, and addressing concerns of body, emotion, mind and spirit.  I’m ready to help you make the most of this amazing time.  Contact me through my website or by email

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4 years ago

Thank you Eve for helping us keep our current situation in perspective and knowing that all is in Divine Order. Blessings, Sally

4 years ago

I have read about this virus being made more available to “latch on” to our bodies due to the constant amping up of the electromagnetic frequencies we are living in and exposed to, due to stronger wifi, 5g, 40,0000 satellites being put into space shining these frequencies down on the planet, etc. This has an effect on the decline of bees, butterflies and insects as well. When I read this stuff it rings a warning bell deep with-in me and fills me with a grief I can barely contain. I long to stay positive and not allow this to be a constant cloud, especially if it is just how it is right now. What are your thoughts on this? I feel that the outer is having a strong effect on my inner all the way around (physically,, emotionally) and this will not do. At all! 🙂 I realize that I am very ‘attached’ to this earth and all the beauty around, and how I have seen and experienced it. Blessings to you, Eve. Thank-you for sharing your light.

4 years ago

So important to “choose to” bring our Higher Selves to our human fears and grief to transform them, ourselves and society. Thank you Eve!

Rita Wideman
Rita Wideman
4 years ago

Eve, Thank you so much for this supportive and loving message. I feel so blessed to have you as part of my life.

Rita Wideman

Lisa Ambroselli
Lisa Ambroselli
4 years ago

Thank you Eve for your words. For me it’s conformation that my messages from the divine are accurate. Your message I hope will bring some comfort and healing to all. Thank you again for being you and for doing such great work! I love and respect you for all you do.

Michele Greaves
Michele Greaves
4 years ago

Thanks Eve. ❤️