New Chakras Open Up the New World

Updated 10/18/23

The new world is already as close as your breath, and just a vibrational step away from our ordinary world experience.

To make that step easier there are sets of higher chakras, each set includes one above and one below the seven that are most commonly known.  You may be aware of these higher chakras from mine or other teachings, but it is only recently that we have become ready to own their gifts in our everyday experience.

The new world has grown strong enough that these additional chakras can lift us up to the next higher level of new world experience where our energies will be more stable.  There are many higher sets of chakras which you can grow into using with practice when you are ready.  These will help us move further along our ascension path bringing Higher Self into our human bodies, emotions and minds.

To Connect with Your Next Sets of Chakras:

Ideally begin by tuning your seven primary chakras as in my Chakra Tuning Exercise*

As always the heart chakra is essential, being the bridge between our creature self and our divine self as well as other people and dimensions.  An open heart is the transformer and healer and the open door for productive change.

Once all 7 primary chakras are tuned, connected to the heart chakra and balanced you are ready to meet your higher sets of chakras which will lift you into greater clarity, hope and lightness of heart, mind and soul.

It would help to use the exercise that I taught in the Weekly Word Post called The Hub of the Wheel of Your Life (Enter that title into a search box on this site to find the instructions) This and your open heart provide an optimal stability as you expand into higher levels of self.  Your 360 degree wheel and open heart chakra will expand with you, while holding you stable within your body.

From your heart chakra, center in the stillness of your Inner Wisdom and hub of your wheel. Ask your Inner Wisdom to expand you to the first higher set of chakras.  A chakra above your crown chakra and below your root. Let your Inner Wisdom guide you to that.

Stay centered within your heart and grounded through your hub and wheel.  As your aura expands in every direction you will find yourself “landing” in a new focus of yourself that is lighter and higher vibration.

Getting there can feel like you are stepping back into yourself, and expanding up, down and out in every direction.  Your Inner Wisdom will guide you to the first higher set of chakras above and below.  Welcome that new vibration into your body and aura.  You will immediately feel great when you connect because it brings your Higher Self more fully into your experience.**

Your mind and emotions will feel more relaxed and peaceful. In this new higher vibration you are more connected with your higher self and it helps you to stay more centered and trusting when riding the waves of change out of the old world and into the new world experience.

Grounding and centering as you expand is essential.  After expanding into one higher set and seeing how it feels to hold that, return to your normal 7.

Next time you do this, go again to the first higher set and see if you feel ready for more.  If so, follow the same instructions but ask for your second higher set of chakras above and below.  And then continue to go to higher sets as you feel ready.  I have found no limit to the number of higher sets of chakras, but take your time so you don’t stretch your spirit “muscles”.  They actually become sore when you go too far too fast.  And you may get too ungrounded.  You need to be able to hold centered, balanced and grounded, so you expand rather than fligh out of your body.  This way you create wholeness and unity.

Over time you will become able to stay centered, grounded and expanded at these higher levels.  You will be more tuned to your Higher Self and your Higher Self will be able to live more fully within your human experience.  Trust your sense of how many chakras are right for you on a given day and for different circumstances.  After meditating in this state, return to your normal 7 for normal life.  At some point you will be ready to hold a higher set or more within your normal life.  But if you find it is too ungrounded, come back to 7 for daily things.

A week from Saturday is Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.  During this time, our own light shines brighter when we remember to stay centered within and not react to the darkness.  These new chakras will help with this!

Thank you for commenting, sharing, liking and making use of this post as it is right or you ?

Blessings and Love, Eve

* This article presumes you are familiar with your primary seven chakras and know how to work with them. But if not, my Chakra Exercise is available on MP3 for $10.  This will soon be available in my online store, which should be open before Christmas.  But for now you can email me at .  Also my book Riding the Wave of Change has information on chakras, higher chakras and their role in ascension.  You can get my book at in e-Book, as well as paperback or hardcover.  When you read it, please leave a review on which helps my google rating and helps others decide whether to read it too.

** Some people are not as kinesthetically sensitive as others.  For them the sensations that come quickly to others may take time to be recognized.  Do the work anyway, and allow the shifts to come, you will notice them in your own way and time.  Benefits of being less psychically sensitive are many, so can be grateful that you have what you need in this life to do what you need to do.

*** The Power Animal Training on Body Mind Spirit Network has continued to be difficult to access.  Please accept my apologies.  This new network is a work in progress for all of us still.  Thank you for your patience.

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