Joy and Grief

Riding the waves of change on planet Earth during ascension develops strength and endurance of soul.

We stand between two processes:  Birth and ascension into the new world – joy!  And death of what has gone before and in many cases of those we honor and love – grief.  These are the two legs on our surfboard.  We can’t ignore either if we want to maintain balance on our wave; we have to stand in both worlds.  But a surfer is much more than just legs and a board, they are a focused center of will and intelligence and they love the ride!  These qualities are available to all of us; however, it takes all our love and deliberate action to master the opportunities of this phase of evolution which we call ascension.

Everyone and everything are ascending, so there is no concern on that point.  If you choose to let the waves break over you and just break down your old life for you, that is an acceptable path through this journey and ascension will break through.  This blog and my healing and teaching work invite you to choose the active/self-mastery role in the process of ascension.  Why work this hard?  Because it is exhilarating, empowering, and filled with hope.  And because this is where we also find the joy.  Oh!  One more point – it is also how we help the whole world to change more smoothly and quickly with less of the death process to endure, including ourselves.

The key to this process is to identify and center within our true selves within.  Here are two simple tools that help you ride your day with more joy and less grief:

1 – Your life is like a wheel

A wheel has a center hub, spokes and an outer riding surface.  If you ride the outside of the wheel you are in for a wild adventure of exhilaration and pain as you swing across the heights and crash between the wheel and the hard-lumpy ground.  The outer wheel is the journey of reacting to life and being driven by events.

When you ride the center of your wheel of life you are connected to all that happens on the perimeter, but you stay safely in the calm place within — identified with your Inner Wisdom which is a focus of your eternal spirit.  Reacting to others and to circumstances places you on the outside of the wheel, as does trying to control them.  Centering in your true self, you are immediately connected to the Higher Intelligence and love which is building the new world.  You are also safe from the worst of the bumps and you are never crushed on the bottom end of the circle of your wheel of life.

2 – You are One with the Higher Intelligence and love that is building the new world

From that relatively calm place within, try welcoming the Higher Love, which is the source and creator of all, to flow through your life and resolve any concerns.  Ask for love and wisdom to respond optimally to events.  If you find yourself attempting to control others or reacting, open your heart and breath deeply until you find yourself back at the center of your wheel.  Let the Higher Love and Intelligence be an interface between you and the world. Let it help you to release the old world that you carry within you in exchange for greater unity with true self.  This is the process of ascension.

Working to master this skill of surfing the waves of change helps me to stay focused in my true self even when grief threatens to overwhelm me.  In order to show up as a leader in this journey, to both use and teach these skills that help the world to heal and ascend, I work diligently to build the soul muscles of balance on my surfboard.  Thank you for being a part of this journey and for being my inspiration.  Thank you for being you.

Blessings and Love, Eve

P.S. New Start Date for Healing & Ascension Monthlies is January 9, 2020 – Please contact me to join us for 6 amazing nights.  or for more information.  $20 off for first timers when you mention this post and this coupon.

For more about Ascension and Riding the Wave of Change visit my book website where you can also see my latest reviews:

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4 years ago

Dear Eve,
Thank you for the tools and healing you offer. This article will be one I refer to often as life happens and I start heading toward the outside of the wheel. I’m so grateful.