New Insight Into Ascension

A new awareness about the ascension process is the need to address Karmic imbalances so that we can ascend.  These imbalances are able to be resolved much easier than in the past, however, it appears that resolution needs to occur so we can let go and move on.  Once it does there is a rapid integration of higher states of consciousness and stronger new world energies that integrate into a person’s body and soul.

To me Karma is about lessons, but many people think of it as debts.  It is really about finding self mastery and balance.

For instance if you are someone who has stuffed a lot of hurt and your reactions to that hurt that you didn’t express, you may need to go through a period of cleansing that hurtful energy out of your cellular memory and your aura.  This would require releasing the toxic energy, forgiveness of yourself for hurting yourself in this way and not standing up for yourself and your needs and forgiveness of others for playing those hurtful roles in your life. (Different people will have different imbalances).

This cleansing may take place during a time of illness where you work through a lot of stuff cellularly and emotionally/mentally.  However, it may be a strange illness where you don’t really have a diagnosable disease, just symptoms.  It could probably come in other forms as well.

What I’m told is that the Ascension Team in spirit and the Karmic Board, (both groups of enlightened helpers for our lives) will work with us to complete the resolution of these issues with as much ease as is optimal for complete resolution of these issues.

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Bonnie Haist
Bonnie Haist
12 years ago

This was SO helpful. I will continue to do meditations asking the Ascension Team & Karmic Board to clear deep-seated hurt and negativity & replace these w/love, clear personal boundaries & strength for the greater good of all. Thank-you Eve!