Winter Depression – Winter Inspiration!

I was thinking still about the work that I saw at the Rudolph Steiner House last week and the affects of the seasons.  For those of you who find winter to be depressing a probable reason is that in the spiritually expansive periods of summer you feel embraced in high spiritual vibrations that are present and call us out of ourselves and when fall arrives we sink back into ourselves and feel more separate and alone.

The soul’s destiny is to digest, integrate and birth the gifts that we received while expanded into spirit into a personal expression of the received love and truth.  Through this process of expanding and receiving and then retreating into ourselves, digesting, integrating and then creating we give birth to our souls potential.  It doesn’t have to be a great outer work, it is a very personal thing.

As we finish out this winter, you might meditate on what you were given last summer that has ripened within you during the past season.  Then as we begin again to expand as we are just starting to do at this season into the next round of open receptivity to divine influence remember to stay tuned for what touches and inspires you.  As the fall arrives again and you begin fall back into yourself take time to go within in quiet meditation. Welcome the gifts and truth you have received to grow within you.  Nurture them in quiet times so they may ripen first and then emerge as inspiration and self-awareness that you can birth over the winter.

The Healer 101 is beginning on March 6th.  This is a self-healing and self-discovery class teaching safe and effective ways to work with your energy, with spirit energy and useful tools for a healthy life.  6 classes $300 pay as you go or $280 in advance.  There are a few spots left!