Update into Harmony

There is a middle step on the stairway of ascension which I call an update.  It generally happens in areas which we might consider weaknesses.  Strangely enough in this instance those actually benefit us!

Where we are weak in body, emotion, mind or soul we are more available to shifts initiated by the impulse to unity which runs through our lives like a river.  Those parts of us are unable to resist that impulse and therefore are uplifted to a place where our Higher Selves can begin to act through them to help us ascend.  Where we are strong, we may continue to move in old directions out of habit and force of will; and may unconsciously be competing with ascension shifts.

An update is kind of a half-step toward unity and wholeness.  It lifts us up so that our Higher Self is able to act within our lives a little bit; mostly unconsciously.  This initiates changes in the way we feel about life, and how we see ourselves.  It allows us to discover new ways to respond to circumstances, makes it easier to let go of old hurts, fears and limitations, and our body heals in surprising ways.  This ultimately leads to the deeper step into unity which we call sovereignty.  Sovereignty is where we are partnering with our Higher Selves strongly.  This too happens one piece at a time — whichever parts of us are ready make that shift.  That in turn increases the impulse to unity in the parts of us that haven’t arrived there yet.

The push and pull of this process creates symptoms which can appear to be disease but are really just our awkward process of ascension.  You may have pain or inflammation which shows up in unexpected places, may jump around, or only be there on certain days.  You may appear to be seriously ill, but medical tests don’t show it, or medicine may not help.  You may feel moody — super strong one day and hopelessly dysfunctional the next.  These are just some symptoms that can happen as one part of you is ready to ascend and another part of you is stuck.

Joining me for Healing Treatments and in Healing & Ascension Monthlies Class lets me initiate updates that are ready to occur, assisting you to let go of what holds you stuck in the old world experience and minimizing the awkwardness of ascension.  What gets stuck can be personal, hereditary, past life, soul group, multiple lifetimes or all a person’s lifetimes.  This process is so exciting, because something being healed for one person may lead to an ascension shift for thousands or even millions or billions of individuals who are connected to that issue!  I feel privileged to hold space for Higher Intelligence and Love to update it all into greater harmony.  This daily experience through my work is what gives me confidence and hope; and it is what I attempt to communicate to you within these posts.  It is what I welcome you to join me in doing through treatments, classes, my book Riding the Wave of Change, and my articles.

So when you find yourself frustrated by weaknesses in yourself, in others, or in the world, I encourage you to remember that these are the areas where change is most likely to be initiated through the impulse to unity through ascension.  During this time of transition everything that we knew in the past now seems inside-out and upside-down and it can be hard to wrap our heads around it all.  But remember that weaknesses may actually be strengths on the journey of ascension!

When you pass along my information to someone who signs up for a healing or class, I will reward you with a $25 savings on your own participation in any of my services!  Everything can be addressed through this way of working, nothing is too small, too physical or not spiritual enough to be worked with.  Everything is spiritual; and when you bring the spiritual into the physical it heals in the most comprehensive of ways!  That is the beauty of this work. Contact me here

These Weekly Word posts are a great way to let people meet me so feel free to share them.  And you can join me on social media for coupons, Monday Prayers, Wednesday Meditations and Links to the Weekly Word, events, articles and more! Body Mind Spirit Guide has created the lovely Body Mind Spirit Network where you can enjoy a cleaner and more relaxed social media, and connect with good people offering good services and new friends!  You can join my tribe there for all the social network benefits!

When you love your weaknesses you help them update into unity and ultimately ascend.  I wish you success in doing that this week and look forward to next week’s post with you!

Blessings and Love, Eve

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4 years ago

My biggest weakness if fear. I wish I could overcome it.