Understanding the Old World and Living In the New

All people are in process of a collective identity shift, but most don’t know it.  Even those of us who know it, find it confusing.  Our spirit understands, but our minds and egos can’t fully comprehend what is really happening.  It is an amazing journey and my job is to help you navigate the path.  I am a compass pointing North to the New World.

Our egos have been identified with the illusion of the old world for so many lifetimes that we have trouble recognizing what is true of us, though it is increasingly available as the old world dissolves.  Our true self is the light which grows steadily within our soul and consciousness like an island emerging from the ocean when a volcano erupts destroying all that has gone before.  The shift is happening a bit more slowly and somewhat less dramatically than the volcano analogy, but I think you understand my point.  As the world shifts, seek the new world emerging within you.  It carries all the hope, joy, power and potential that you seek, and is easy to access. Just choose to live in your new world self, in the new world experience, as many times a day as you find yourself bothered by the old world drama.

I would like to help you understand the old world better, though it can be a heavy and dark subject if approached with an old world ego. So before you read this part, take a moment to choose to live in your new world self, within the new world experience.  Also ask to be in the new world nursery which is a spiritual support for us during transition, making it gentler and more comfortable as we ascend.  Once you feel yourself in that easier and more hopeful place, you will be ready for the understanding I wish to share about our old world purpose and design.

The old world is a temporary illusion created like a comprehensive stage setting for very specific purposes.  Fear, hatred, loneliness, lack, pain, suffering, sadness and loss are tools of the old world journey.  These are all temporary illusions which have been used to squeeze the limitless, powerful spiritual beings which we are, into the individual experiences we chose, when we were all One in the Oneness of the Source of Life at the beginning, before creation began.  This was an inconceivably long time ago in linear time, but in spiritual time, it is all here and now.

These negative states of consciousness created an illusion of separation from the Oneness of all Life, so that we could individuate and experience our self as many.  And so that we could create the amazing diversity of life and life forms which bring us joy, gladness and pleasure.

The negative states birthed oppositional forces and relationships, which forced us to look within our limited individual facilities of body, emotion, mind and soul; there to build the muscles we needed within, and the capacities or our bodies and souls.  These we have been carefully designing to become our  individual vehicles for expression and life within the new world.  We have the basic equipment now, but it has to be lifted up into a higher vibration for us to be able to live within more fully.

For most of our experience of incarnation, we have been primarily outside of the vehicles we have been building.  We were only able to invest a small part of ourselves as a state of Inner Wisdom within our hearts and souls; to create longing and direction – like a compass that our human identity could learn to recognize and follow.  This inner compass has been easily overwhelmed by the forces of the old world experience.  However as we ascend, it is growing more substantial and becoming a stronger force within us.

Just as the outer world of illusion and separation is collapsing around us, our inner island of true self is growing out of the ashes and the vast ocean of separation.  This is the time when we leave behind the separation and find increased unity with our true self within. We finally have the soul muscles  to receive our Higher Selves into our human capacities.  So our human experience and our planet is dumping the old world – burning it up, making it unlivable; thus forcing us to step onto this new island of identity, and find union with our Higher Selves.

To the degree that we willingly step into this union, the old world is left behind and we find the world to be moving in positive directions within our experience.  There is still a transformation happening, but it is workable and overall positive for us.

To the degree that people stay identified with fear, they experience hatred, loneliness, and lack and the world is a battle to have enough just to survive.  It is an ugly place to be.

There is a dramatic difference between these two states of being, but they both exist within us at this time.  When the old world ego gets poked by something hurtful or fearful, the experience can be harsh and very convincing.  But remember that the island of your true self is present!  You can breathe into your Inner Wisdom, deep within and ask to live in your new world self, within the new world, and in the new world nursery.  Then relax and allow the shift of focus which will come, that brings your Higher Self back into your experience.  There you find the wisdom, strength, love, kindness and confidence needed to navigate the fear around you.  In doing so you strengthen the new world experience for everyone.

There is tremendous unconditional love and support that is helping us at this time, flowing like a river from the heart of the One Source of Life, and through all of creation.  This river does tend to stir up the debris of the old world dissolution process.  So seek that inner island of your Inner Wisdom, to experience the love that is available.  If you seek it outside of you, you will be missing the point, and may get caught in the debris and further confused.  The new world is within you, growing stronger every day.

Your true self is here, and is an emissary of the new world!  Your process of choosing this experience moment by moment in your life brings you, step by step, up the gradual staircase of ascension.  It keeps you above the cataclysm and within the peace to the degree that it is possible in this time of great transformation.  Trust yourself and your journey!  You are on the way HOME and it is a beautiful home that is being built for you in the new world.

My book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World is a compass pointing people to their Inner Wisdom and Higher Self.  You can get a copy for yourself or for others at www.EveWilson-RidingTheWave.com where you can also read an excerpt.  I will be at Stars of Wellness tomorrow for a Free Healing and Ascension Event based on the book.  This event is by invitation, and I’d love to come to your home or meeting place to plant seeds of the new world for those you care about too!  Contact me to schedule through my website  www.spiritualhealers.com

I am excited that another group of healing and ascension workers are beginning their journey of training on March 15th!  They are a small but strong group of those who wish to experience their fullest potential and help the world.  I invite you to consider whether you are ready to join us!  I will help you discern if The Healer & Ascension Certification Course is on your soul’s path at this time if you want to apply.  You can find out more on my main website.

Thank you each for being an emerging island of the new world.  You make a difference for all of us whenever you choose to step into your new world self, despite demands from the old world that you should be drawn into the struggles.  Remember the old world is an illusion and stay centered in your new world truth.

Blessings, Love and Gratitude Always, Eve

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