For a long time I’ve been aware of a new chakra above the heart chakra in the chest area. Only recently I have begun to work with it and to understand its function a better. It seems like a tuning fork to help us to tune our chakras and body to our new world self. Andre told me that some call this the new world heart chakra and I think that is an excellent name for it.
When I center in my inner wisdom, deep within my heart and belly, I then ask to connect with my new world heart chakra. Then I can feel it there above my heart chakra and as I sit with it, I am pulled into a lighter and higher vibration. From within my inner wisdom I ask this new world heart chakra to connect with each of my other chakras in turn and invite each chakra to be tuned to its new world self. I can do the same thing with any part of my body that feels uncomfortable. This moves me into the new world vibration and I feel a lot more peaceful and comfortable on every level.
Let me know how you like this exercise. I think you will find that it makes you feel great!