Celebrate the New!

Change is both stressful and exciting.  If you focus on the stressful element you get stuck between the old self and the new and it is uncomfortable.  Remember to focus on how amazing to be moving out of fear and suffering, hatred and lack.  Get enthusiastic that you are moving into wholeness, unconditional love and union with God and all of life!  This will shift your energy into the new world vibration.

The discomfort people feel right now is 90% caused by old world stuff passing out of your life.  Let it go and focus on your truth.  Welcome God to live increasingly within you then celebrate the birth that is happening on earth and within your own soul!  When you look at life through your new world eyes, you will experience the new world.  When you look with fear or judgment you will experience the old.  It is a simple choice, but one you get to make over and over until more of us get further along in the ascension process and it becomes normal to be in the new world. 

Support yourself and others through the ascension process by taking the Healer & Ascension Certification Course or HDP grads can learn more by participating in the next Ascension Group this winter.  Either one is an amazing journey of self-actualization! 

Respond to this post to share what works for you to keep you focused on your truth and speed the releasing of your old world self.