You probably already read auras, although you may not think of it that way. If you pick up on people’s energy, can sense trouble in a room, or a true unconditional welcome from another, you are reading auras. Developing this gift takes attention and frequent practice to learn to trust and interpret your impressions.
People always think seeing color is aura reading. That is one aspect. The interpretation of color in the aura needs to include deeper perceptions, such as instinct and feelings to tell you more than what your third eye is telling you. Red can be pure vital energy combined with love, or it can be hatred and violence. Shades of color can help you tell the difference, but even more important is the energy you perceive along with the color. Anyone paying attention to their instincts will know the difference between the positive and negative reds whether or not they see color. You may have a gut feeling of wholeness and goodness, or an impression of something that is a bit off, or downright dangerous. You, who can see spiritual color, learn to pay attention to those deeper, more instinctual senses as well so that your eyes don’t mislead you. Without them you might think something is negative, just because it is red, or that it is positive just because it is purple or green. Green can be healing, or jealousy; purple can be spiritually enlightened or opportunistic. White can be the highest level of spirit or it can be a whitewash over something. In your heart and belly, your spine and the still place within you can tell the difference.
For those of you who don’t see color, this is good news! You don’t need to see the aura to discern its energy. Your deep sense of truth and love can recognize the subtler messages that energy holds; you just need to pay attention to what you know inside. It is common to be misled by what we see with our eyes, be that spiritual or physical vision. If we like what we see, we can forget to listen to those subtler messages that may tell us to be careful.
Reading auras for healing uses all the senses. Tune into someone’s higher self to get a sense of who they are; then you scan their energy for anything that doesn’t resonate truly with that. You will gradually learn to tell the difference between someone’s emotional and mental baggage, health and disease, or negative energy in their aura.
I don’t recommend people open to reading others for healing without basic training at not taking on issues or giving your energy away. A good place to explore on your own would be tuning into plants or animals whose vibrations will generally be benign. See if you can tell the difference between types of trees or plants with your eyes closed, just by their energy. With dogs and cats you’ll sense thoughts and desires or physical needs. When they are ill their energy will appear different right around the problem or in general. Spending time in nature, your soul will open up and if you allow yourself to settle into your feelings you will sense all kinds of energy fields radiating from soil, water, air, plants, animals and nature spirits. Nature is the best beginning teacher for intuitive development that I know.
It helps to pay attention to your feelings about people, circumstances or events. Check in before arriving somewhere, see how it feels to you; pay attention during the experience and check in afterward to see how you feel when you have left. Then observe over time if your perceptions were right, or if you misinterpreted something. You will learn to trust your impressions through practice.
There is an aura to food and supplements. Check with your body, asking what it wants. Perhaps you feel you need a supplement, but don’t know what. Go to the store and allow yourself to be drawn to what feels like it fills that need. Then ask the staff to explain what that supplement does and see if it makes sense why you were drawn to it. The same with the food you buy or find on the menu. Ask yourself, what does my body need to eat for my perfect balance? You might be surprised that it doesn’t always fit with what you hear from the “experts”! Trust yourself and learn to pay attention so you’ll always have an expert on hand!
Aura reading is the way that you instinctually as well as spiritually respond to the energy around you. You may not see with your eyes, but instead have an inner image that shows you what you are sensing. Or it may all be feeling. For some it is even more subtle, just an inner knowing, but just as valid. Once you have practiced and developed the personal applications of this gift, it is not such a big step to think about developing it in service to others if that is of interest to you. With practice, you will find your perceptions to be precise and reliable gifts.