
Rebirthing the Earth

by Eve Wilson

I was kept awake by a vision the other night which came to me every time I closed my eyes to sleep.  It was the flooding of a great river.  I saw it rising, breaking its banks and tearing up trees.  It was powerful and scary, dark and roiling and out of control. Intuitively I thought it was the Mississippi and later found I was correct.  I don’t watch the news and so had no idea what was happening consciously outside of Ann Arbor, but it came up in conversation a few days later.  At the time I offered healing and prayers for support and protection for those affected by the flood I was witnessing, wherever it was.

Later that week, as the flooding continued, I arranged to work with my Ascension Group to meet. These gifted and loving planetary healers are graduates of my Healer & Ascension Certification Course who have committed to working together with me to midwife the changes happening here on earth and beyond within our universe.

Ascension is the process by which all of life is rising in consciousness and vibration to reunite with our highest truth and the Source of Life by whatever names you use for these things.  We use the term God and Divine Consciousness, Higher Self and Christ Consciousness, but know there are many names and ways of accessing that truth.

As we answered the call for help from our continent, we heard her say she felt like she was splitting in half.  The Mississippi and the rivers running through the center of our country seemed like the birth canal of a woman in labor.  It reminded me of when the point is reached where the head of the infant begins to crown at the opening to the womb and there is the danger of tearing for the mother if she can’t stretch enough to allow the little one to exit.  The continent felt like that.

We immediately went to work assisting her to release whatever was in the way of a smooth and easy birth of what we perceived as the Christ Consciousness, or New World Soul of the planet. Working outside of time and space we assisted her from the start of the flood until its completion. There was healing needed in the places where the earth has been used and abused without care or love for her well- being and gifts.  We made connections with The Source and the healing guides and angels to allow what could be done for that to happen.  There was a lot of emotional clearing and rebalancing; clearing energies of hatred and blame and war.  I can’t recall all the work we were asked to do at the time, but it took a while.

When the healing was done we observed an amazing flood of unconditional the Holy Spirit, love, joy and hope and we saw the appearance of a new baby girl over the Midwest.  She was so sweet and happy and she grew very fast.  Before we knew it, she appeared as a 2 year old, and there was a sense that this new aspect of planetary soul would mature fully within a week.  Also an awareness that this is just one birth of 11 that will occur before the earth will be through with this phase of her rebirth.

As life on earth ascends to a higher level of being and all aspects find their selves increasingly at one with their eternal spiritual truth there will be many types of rebirthing happening.  From this kind of planetary birth, to a new consciousness and identity for humanity and all animals and plants, even down to the cellular and subatomic level.  Our bodies, emotions, minds, spirits and souls will all incorporate significant changes, which will allow us to become co-creators with God on every level.

Working with these shifts as a planetary healer and ascension worker, I have an unusual perspective on things that many people worry about. Caring people on earth are aware of pollution, environmental issues and so many other things that appear to be wrong in our world.  What I see is that these difficulties have been serving a purpose and when that purpose is served, healing can happen in the deepest and most complete ways.  I wish to assure you that although it sometimes seems we are in dire straits, in truth we are being reborn into a truer and better experience than we have known on Earth ever before.

For me it takes patience.  When I see problems in the world, I ask if I can be allowed to bring healing to the issues involved.  The type of healing I do affects the deepest levels of cause and clears the entire pattern of disease, whether for an individual or the planet.  However, until change is ready to happen at those levels, I am told to wait.  There is a purpose to be fulfilled and finished before I am allowed to resolve issues and this is my hardest challenge.  I have to trust that process and let it work out until I am allowed to help.   Then I have the great joy of participating in some of the most dynamic and amazing transformations imaginable!  For me and those that work with me in The Ascension Group and our helpers in spirit this is what we live for and in order to do this work we are willing to be patient and trust.

When we are allowed to work, we initiate changes outside of time and space, deep within the roots of our experience in the past and in spirit where they are contracted for and set in motion.  At that level we work with God to rewrite the contracts and redirect our experiences to the higher levels we are ready for.  This opens the way and sets in motion systems to ease the transitions we need to undergo.  Some people will change immediately and others may take years, but in spirit the end result is already seen and fulfilled.  Each person and being can now change at their own pace as they finish what is needed for them within the old experiences and are ready to move on.
