
Safe Place

by Eve Wilson

If life were a stage we would be in process of preparing the set for a new play called The New World.  The old world play has finished, it had a long run.  Stagehands are busy breaking down the old world set and bringing on the new world set.  The problem we are seeing is that about half of the actors in the old world play have not accepted that their run is over, so they continue to act out their lines in the drama they think of as life.  But they no longer have the necessary equipment for that – all their props are being broken down and cleared off the stage. 

Meanwhile the new world stage set is designed and being created and painted, but it is only about 60% ready for our new play.   That means that the drama being presented on stage is still the old world play and it is becoming less and less functional, more and more chaotic, less safe.

There is a safe place though within our own selves.  It is present when we orient more toward the new world within instead of being caught up in the drama playing out on the old world stage.  Because the new world is more 60% available to us in the USA, we don’t need the stage to be there in order to learn our new lines.  We can practice living in this new identity which is 100% our true self.  We can focus on our new world experience right where we are in each moment.

That message about our new world identity being 100% our true self is something I just received for you as I am writing this post.  I had been thinking of us as about 60% our true self.  However, when we choose to focus in our new world self, I am told that we step 100% into our true self!  It is clear that our human selves have work to do to own that new identity; but we are needed exactly as we are, not in some perfect state.  Once unified to any extent, our true selves can lift up the old negativity; and working through us co-create the new world reality moment by moment.  To use our metaphor, build the new world stage set.  We do not have to be perfect to achieve that, we only need to be willing and focused on joining the crew of the new world play!

There are many ways to do that, but here are some that I can offer you personally:

1 – This is The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog which comes out every Friday morning – Thanks for reading it!  It’s good to have you sharing this journey with all of us who are walking this path.  In these posts I do my best to keep you up to date on changes and give you the tools of body, emotion, mind, and soul to handle this transition as smoothly as possible!   If you want you are invited to comment with questions or experiences to open even more doors for support for everyone. 

2 – Read my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World.  It was written to help you understand what to expect, why this change is happening and how to be strong and safe during this period of change. is where you can find it in eBook, paperback, and hardcover.  Paperbacks are available at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, the Mind’s Eye Book Store in Mount Clemens, and Nature’s Products in Detroit.

3 – Join Healing & Ascension Monthlies Class and receive direct training for entering and staying focused in your new world self.  Also, you will be helping to heal and ascend yourself, your soul groups and our world.  The next series of 6 begins December 10. 

This is a long running community of ascending souls who sign up repeatedly for a 6-class series or come as they are able to attend.  Several work night shift or have other obligations and so participate by recording.  All classes are live by telephone conference call and recorded for listening again.  Classes generally run about 30-40 people and meet once every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30-9:30 PM.

4 – Get certified as a national legal UCM Healer Practitioner through the Healing & Ascension Certification Course enrolling now to start early in 2021.  More information at

5 – Use the Self-Healing Mini Classes available in my E-Store at for tools that help you to heal and ascend.  Many of you already own my Class CD Set of these tools.  I am offering that set on MP3 to my former students for just $15 when you email me at and confirm which class you attended and when you received your CD set.

6 – Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos are free on this site when you type 3 Most Important Things into a search box.  These 3 videos walk you through integrating your Higher Self into your body, soul and aura and teaches you to live in your new world identity and receive support to stay focused there. 

When you are in your new world identity you are safe and the universe is able to support you better than ever before.  People no longer feel safe in their old world identity because it is passing away very quickly.  Step up to the new and experience all the benefits of increased unity, wholeness, and truth.  These 3 videos help you to do that.

7 –Healing & Ascension Treatmentswith me give you 2 hours of intensive work to identify where you get stuck, help you learn from those experiences and heal, and assist you to shift up into your new world focus as quickly as you are ready for that.  Email me at or visit my website for more information and testimonials.

What you can do right now:  Remember that whenever you feel stressed, fearful, worried, in pain or any kind of suffering — that is your old world self, asking to heal and ascend.  You can help it by simply welcoming the love of your Higher Self and your Higher Power to be present in that difficulty.  Let them lift the circumstance into unconditional love, healing, and forgiveness.  You are already your new world self, that is who you have always been in truth.  The old world is an illusion – just the old world drama.  Join the stage crew and help the old be cleared.  In doing so you pave the way for the new.

Blessings and Love, Eve
