This work is so timely!!!
Open your mind to the gift that you are!
This work is so timely!!!
I too have felt a huge difference. I had a not so pleasant situation come up and my natural response was to just put love to it and let it go. And I thought to myself “Who are you?” Lol! In the past my brain would have gone into overtime thinking about it over and over again, working myself into a frenzy. My life in general suddenly has become more calm in ways I can’t explain. I’m so grateful for all you do Eve for humanity and the world.
What an honor to receive this gift and use it to help the world. Thank you so much!
Thank you Eve . The well of unconditional love is glorious and full of knowing! I gain such clarity, focus, trust and the most magical feeling of Love when aligned with my Higher Self. My Truth is easily revealed, I begin movement toward Higher Purpose effortlessly. It’s like walking on one of those motorized walkways in the airport! lol . Almost like synchronized movement! I just trust, and go with the flow .
Much love
Hi Eve! I just got done doing the self-forgiveness and love meditation from your blog. Wow. So helpful
Thank you for your wonderful weekly blog. I thoroughly enjoy them and relate to what you are saying as they are so well written.
Your prayer for the New Year was very touching and very beautiful. It is completely loving and a reminder of how we can serve as a force for love and unity. A purposeful life that honors God and each other. Too often, I seem to forget that… So, I printed out your totally perfect prayer and will read it always…as a reminder to be as loving as possible and make my own life happier as well. Thank you for this prayer gift.
“Your prayer for the New Year was very touching and very beautiful. It is completely loving and a reminder of how we can serve as a force for love and unity. A purposeful life that honors God and each other. Too often, I seem to forget that… So, I printed out your totally perfect prayer and will read it always…as a reminder to be as loving as possible and make my own life happier as well. Thank you for this prayer gift.”
Every Friday Eve sends out messages of hope, understanding and personal empowerment about the world we live in and the changes happening as we all ascend.
You can sign up to receive email links Friday and Saturday mornings – so you can pick the time that is better for you to embrace the gifts that the Weekly Word brings to you. The Weekly Word blog has been selected as one of Feedspot’s Top 75 Healing Blogs and Websites for Healers on the Planet!