We don’t always know how the way we live our life benefits the world. One of the most common things I hear from my healing clients is that they would like to be of service. Most don’t realize that they are of service in ways so common they would be surprised if they knew.
There is one experience so common and so judged that greater understanding is needed about how we can use it positively in our lives. If we can come to terms with this particular experience and use it for good, a powerful healing will be released into the world!
You are of service to the world every time you lose your temper or have a negative reaction and then open your heart to forgiveness for the other person or whatever it was that upset you. The service is even greater when you forgive yourself for getting upset in the first place. The impact of your life is greater for the resolution of the negative energy than if you had never been upset in the first place! As a healer I see this, and I think most people don’t understand that it is so. They judge their selves for losing their temper or for having negative thoughts and feelings, and that judgment diminishes the blessing.
The healing of negativity is extremely impactful for good. Every time a person is loving and introspective enough to recognize their own part in a situation and to apologize for that; and self-loving enough to forgive their own self, they open a door to bring love and healing into the collective pool of shame and self-hatred that exists in the world. Bringing love into that pool diminishes its power and helps others to love their self enough to deal more honestly with their anger, judgment and hatred. This healing spreads like the ripples on a pond, but deeper into the dark places within the collective unconscious.
We are all made of the one substance of life and at that level, everything that we do and experience affects everything else. We have anger because it exists within the collective consciousness. Blaming ourselves for having it only mires us in the negativity. Receiving forgiveness for ourselves and others allows healing to flow into the situation which is much more powerful than any negativity can be.
So when you find yourself being negative, you can be one person who wakes up within the human collective consciousness and uses that negativity as a healing experience to benefit everyone! Open your heart and honestly admit that you are being that way. Be kind to yourself as you look at it, but honest about what was really happening within you that caused the negative experience. Were you dumping your own frustration? Or was it negativity others have dumped on you and now you have dumped onto someone else? Were you projecting your own fear and self-doubt onto others so you won’t have to deal with something you don’t like in your own life? Or was someone careless of your feelings or genuinely wished you harm? Whatever situation sparked the negativity, open your heart within the experience. When your heart is open, love and forgiveness begin to do their healing work automatically much of the time. I would say that when your heart is open, God is present; however you may use a different word for that loving and healing force if you prefer!
Sometimes you don’t know something is bothering you so much until you spew something negative! That helps you recognize there is an issue that may need your attention; another unexpected blessing hidden within a negative experience.
It can be difficult to absolutely avoid negative thoughts and feelings. Trying too hard not to be negative can cause you to be energetically disconnected from your lower body and deeper life force. This can leave you stuck in your head, which is a non-productive and disempowered state. Relaxing into your feelings and opening your heart to them gives you a lot more power and aliveness, which you need in order to enjoy your life and be successful in the world. Accepting that you are a part of the messy world of emotions and thoughts, just open your heart and trust in the love and forgiveness that is present to help you work through the negative. In this way you can make everything in your life a service of love. Love is more than the absence of negativity; it is the active force that moves all life. Let it move you to accept and resolve whatever you feel is unlovable within you. This will help you mature emotionally and mentally. As you do so, you will become a more easy-going person and your trust in life will grow to be great. You will increasingly be a potent force of love in the world!
Even negative experiences will ultimately have a positive outcome. By working deliberately to bring healing through the negative, you speed the positive outcome so that it becomes your predominant experience.