
Exercise Your Inner Wisdom

by Eve Wilson

Intuition is the presence of truth and wisdom that exists within each of us.  It is our inner divine spirit using the gifts present within our body and soul to tell us things that we could not figure out by simply thinking something through.  A well developed intuition is a fantastic gift which I call your Inner Wisdom.

Learning to use your Inner Wisdom is a lot like developing a muscle, you need to exercise it.

To access your Inner Wisdom, begin by breathing into the center of your chest and letting your consciousness be drawn deeply within yourself to a place of inner stillness.  Don’t fight with the distractions you encounter from within yourself or the environment around you, but let them be a part of your journey inward, as you settle deeply into a still place within.  You will find it somewhere between your heart and your belly and back toward your spine.  From within this stillness, let yourself ponder a question and allow an answer to rise up to consciousness.  If you don’t get clarity right away, let it go and revisit the question occasionally.  Over time it will become clear what is needed.  When you have an answer, return to the stillness and double check it, you will feel a clarity and peace when it is the right idea.  You will get quicker at receiving and interpreting messages with practice.

The still place includes your heart and your belly because these two aspects of yourself work together to translate impressions and bring wisdom and truth to consciousness.  The heart bridges the gap between the spiritual and the physical worlds, and between your self and the rest of creation.  Your belly accesses the subtle and complex world of the unconscious sensations and feelings that are your instinctive awareness and responses to life.  When your consciousness rests within your heart and your belly, your eternal, divine spirit can receive and translate information from a myriad of sources into a specific and comprehensive awareness of what is, what will be and what you can do that will work for you.

You already use intuition every day in the smallest of ways, and you think nothing of it.  Perhaps it comes as an awareness of the people you care about and how they are doing or a foreboding of future events.  Perhaps it is as simple as knowing which gas station will have the best prices, or feeling guided to your favorite store on the day the item you need is available in your size, on sale.  Pay attention to these awarenesses and how it feels inside when you get a message that you just know is true.  Pay attention when you don’t follow that message and you feel put out later that you didn’t listen to what you knew.  How did it feel when the message came?  How can you recognize the truth next time so that you follow it instead of ignoring it?

One of the greatest challenges to clear intuition is our own preferences and fears.  We want things to be a certain way, and so we insist that it will be so even though our intuition says that it is not going to work.  Learn to realize that what we want and what needs to happen may not be the same thing.  Trust that your eternal spirit has a purpose for everything, relax your agendas and enjoy the opportunities that life brings.  When you do that, your intuition will flow unhampered by your wishes and fears.

The presence of your inner wisdom is a constant.  The skill to access it easily and quickly requires practice.  At first you may find it hard to know how to connect to your inner wisdom.  You may get confused by your feelings and thoughts, desires and fears.  So, practice on little things where you don’t have a lot of agendas.  Things like I’ve listed above, gas stations, shopping trips, common awarenesses of people you care about, etc.  When your intuition is correct, remember what that true message felt like and that sense of still, clear inner knowing.  When you didn’t listen to your deeper feelings but went with what you wanted and convinced yourself that it would work for you, remember what it felt like when you ignored the deeper sense of truth so you’ll catch it easier the next time.  Messages may come in any number of ways, but there will be a common awareness of truth that underlies those accurate messages of your inner wisdom.

As you get used to trusting your inner wisdom in the small things, you will begin getting clarity on larger issues.  In those situations the skills you built by letting go of your personal agendas and paying close attention to the inner wisdom which tells you what is, what will be and how you can respond to those things, will pay off.  You will have learned to accept the wisdom of you divine spirit and move with what is happening from a place of clarity, truth and power, and in so doing you will find that life can be very good.  Even when you have to deal with circumstances which you might not have preferred, you will find the gift in those situations and emerge from them stronger and prepared for something that will be more in harmony with what you want.  You will get what you want when you have done the work to be able to receive it.  Your intuition will guide you through that journey.
