

by Eve Wilson

Everything we are, experience or know, everything that lives or dies, all that we sense or intuit is a manifestation of Divine Oneness.   Without it there is no experience.   That Pure Source, from which all individual Being flows, exists within each expression of life from the tiniest subatomic particle to the largest galaxy.

Within our busy days and nights we can easily lose track of that Divine presence.  But our destiny is for it to awaken within us and make itself at home in body and soul, as our true selves.  When this occurs life becomes  more fruitful and satisfying.   This awakening is destined to happen within all of creation throughout the universe.  It is happening here on planet Earth a little bit more with each passing moment.

If our world were a giant puzzle, and each created being a puzzle piece, we would currently see all the pieces laid out on the table and wonder what the picture is supposed to be!  If we had never done a puzzle before, we might think that the current chaos is all there is to life.  But knowing how a puzzle works, we recognize that what is needed is an intelligent and patient hand, to begin assembling everything into its right place.  The awakening of our true selves is that intelligent hand that moves our puzzle piece into right relationship with others, whose pieces fit together with ours to create our part of the bigger picture of life.  The more true selves that wake up within their piece of the puzzle, and move into their right position relative to everyone else, the clearer the picture will become.

This is not to say that life will become a static picture!  Quite the opposite! There will always be infinite arrangements and rearrangements of life.  These allow an ever-changing picture to reveal the diversity, beauty and potential that we hold as we awaken together; many individuals revealing the wholeness of divine intelligence, within the created experience.

As individual facets of the One Wholeness of Life, our job is to increasingly allow our Divine presence within us to move our puzzle piece through all our experiences.  There are two attitudes that greatly help with this:  Gratitude and love.  These are both attitudes we sometimes feel spontaneously, and yet we can also choose these attitudes when we might naturally respond in less enthusiastic ways to life!  The work that we do to meet difficult circumstances with gratitude and love strengthens the presence of our true self within our human experience.

I would not suggest anyone you stuff their less evolved responses to things, because that would be harmful and accomplish nothing.  It is more an act of parenting oneself, allowing the wisdom within us to work with those responses in unconditional love.   This process helps the lower nature evolve to reveal its true strength and function within the wholeness of our selves.  In this way we uncover the gift present within each moment of life.

Everything we are and have has a purpose in the larger puzzle of our individual lives.  The circumstances that illicit less than favorable responses are exactly the influences that can help us strengthen our true self, and gain mastery of body, emotion, mind, soul and spirit.  We can greet every circumstance with recognition that the Divine Oneness of life has brought it for a special purpose.  For example, in one instance we may need to stay within a situation, even though we find it difficult or dull.  In another, our job may be to simply choose not to participate, as we learn to recognize when something is not our job.

The path of partnering with our own facet of the Divine is a step by step one.  There is no road map for anyone’s journey, except an inner awareness and sensitivity to what is right for us individually, which takes frequent attention to follow.  The negative attitudes that come up can be helpful, in that they show where we are reacting from fear which is the deeper root of all negative attitudes.  Opening whatever part of us that is willing to be open to gratitude and love, we will be able to access our true self.  Once connected there even a little bit, we can find the wisdom and means to grow and succeed through all our experiences.

Each of us may choose to respond with love and gratitude to every experience within ourselves and life; in doing so we open the door for Divine Wisdom to act in our world.  Someday, we will see the bigger picture of this puzzle of life and I am very curious what it will show us!  I know that whatever it is will be constantly changing, and always amazing!
