Life evolved out of a state of absolute oneness into our current state of great diversity. Sometimes the diversity feels like chaos, and it is! But it is purposeful chaos, so don’t despair. Our ultimate destination is the experience of wholeness, each individual being whole, and all of life working together in a state of graceful wholeness.
As a planetary healer and ascension worker, I am blessed with an unusual perspective on our world. Partnering with the Higher Power, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Divine Beings throughout the universe and in all life forms here on Earth, I see things from a higher perspective than most, and what I see gives me confidence in the ultimate destiny of life. I am grateful for that perspective because looking at the world from a more ordinary perspective can be frightening sometimes. But from the higher perspective something splendid is going on!
We are at a crossroads in our evolution here on planet Earth and throughout the universe as well. Since 2012 we have changed all our planetary contracts and entered a new phase that is called ascension. Prior to that date our contracts were all about separating out of Oneness and evolving into individual life forms and individual souls. We were busy forgetting that state of wholeness from which we came and working through our journey of individuation by which we’ve developed self-will and soul muscles. Our developed soul muscles will one day allow each individual to house its own facet of the One within a suitable body and soul. Each person and creature will become enlightened and able to fulfill its unique role within the created universe! Since 2012 we are all about reuniting with the oneness of all life, while still being individual beings. On the spiritual levels preparation for this reuniting is occurring rapidly and a significant increase in wholeness will be apparent in our world over the next twenty years.
Wholeness is the goal of this new direction for life. What does that mean to you as an individual undergoing this transition? Your Higher Self is a unique facet of the One Source of life that designed your soul and has been helping you grow it throughout all your lifetimes. Each lifetime was designed by your Higher Power to build a particular set of skills and capacities that your unique aspect of the One needs you to have. I call these capacities soul muscles. You have gone through lifetimes like a body builder goes through different work out machines and routines, and you have come to a point where almost all the potential capacities you need, exist within the huge soul that you are on the higher planes of spirit. Only a small part of that largeness of soul has been living in your body up until now; but as you ascend you increasingly integrate all the capacities of your soul. Because of that you also increasingly integrate your own Higher Self into your experience. This is the process of ascension and this increased unity of Higher Self and greater soul potential will ultimately lead you to the experience of wholeness. Ascension starts with individuals and soul groups and ultimately will include all people and all life forms on Earth.
Making the shift from the old world contracts to the new contracts is dramatic for all life in physical form. Everything has to find a new place within the scheme of life. Our bodies are literally being upgraded as we live within them to be able to house our Higher Power more fully and this is happening to all creatures and the planet itself. We are undergoing a healing crisis on Earth and sometimes it feels like a lightening up and a blessing. But sometimes it feels like having the flu – everything can feel toxic and awful during some phases. But hang in there, because it will feel better than ever as soon as that clearing is done and we take the next step in ascension. All things are being recreated on a higher level and the old stuff is passing away. We are ascending!
There is an individual focus of wholeness that exists at the core of each person and each creature. I call it the Inner Wisdom. For people it is most easily found in the area of our heart chakra in the middle of our chest, and then back toward our spine. There we can access a still place that opens more easily to our Higher Self than most parts of us. Centering on that Inner Wisdom, we can invite it to expand and fill our body and our aura with as much wholeness as we can receive. If we practice living from this wholeness it helps it to grow within our lives and we will be able to find it throughout our body and aura. Wholeness is the unity of body and soul with Higher Self. Our lives can be increasingly directed by our higher intelligence as we ascend and learn to pay attention to the core of wholeness we possess within.