A Meeting with Sea Turtle

I’d like to share an interesting meeting that I and my Healer & Ascension friends had this week!  I was following up on a question one of the Ascension Support Class students brought up after I shared about my encounter last month in Hawaii with a sea turtle.  She asked  if it had a message for us, like the whales always do.  Chagrined, I told her I had been too busy since my encounter with the sea turtle to ask!  Just as I was saying that the Sea Turtle piped up in my consciousness and said it was important for us to meet very soon!

I love the spirit of Sea Turtle!  The spirit we connected felt definitely feminine and there was a strong Native American connection which showed up as my teacher Grandmother Twyla Nitch, who passed away many years ago now!  Sea Turtle felt like a grandmotherly presence, nurturing, gentle and sweet.  She told me when she wanted to meet and that I could bring one or two guests.  I felt like I was being invited to tea!  She was so calm, welcoming and reassuring.

When we met with her, while she continued to be cordial and warm, she had some very real work she wanted us to do together.  She talked about the energy of money and hatred and how it was poisoning the waters “below and above”.  She said that all the sea creatures were feeling stressed and threatened by this.  I felt the presence of many souls then, alert and concerned and wanting our help. Surprisingly, the way she asked us to work with this was through toxic bacteria.  She said that toxic bacteria creates toxic states of mind and heart, making people fearful which stimulates the negative aspects of the way people handle money, and associated hateful choices and habits.  The work we did together was with purifying the water, but also that we were helping to bring under control toxic bacteria, in particular candida which I associate more with digestive tracts.  Candida is a bacteria present within all life, but it gets out of control when there is a chemical imbalance.  This chemical imbalance causes physical toxicity, but also creates negative states of consciousness and addictions to sugar and other addictive things people ingest.  One major element of candida is that it is a major bacteria for breaking down the body and is often present where people unconsciously or consciously would rather not be alive on some level.  Although after working with Sea Turtle, I wonder how much of that wanting to die is actually caused by the toxic bacteria and how much of it stimulates the bacterial overgrowth.  She definitely had us working on how the bacteria creates negative consciousness.

There are other types of toxic bacteria that we worked with, including of course the algae blooms in the water caused by chemicals used on lawns and other human runoff.

It felt as though we were able to help bring these toxins under the control of the Higher Power or God.  This allowed the soul contracts for candida and a number of other toxic bacteria to be rewritten so that they can participate in the ascension process, rather than resisting the positive shifts.  This will help humans to be more in harmony chemically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  It will help with the hatred and greed issues so people can make choices that are increasingly in harmony with the greater good.  All in a good two hours work!  There will be more work to do around these issues, obviously.  However, it felt like a good foundational shift.

As a parting message Sea Turtle asked us to remember to play and have fun too!  We each experienced her playfulness in our own ways.  With me she danced 🙂  It was very sweet.

Reiki I Class is Saturday March 14!  Physical healing, laying on of hands, deep relaxation for you and those you love.  Such a gift and a good way to continue on in the spirit of sweetness, joy and generosity that Sea Turtle brought us this week!  Love and blessings on your journey my friends!  More information about this and other classes on my website, or email me at evew@spiritualhealers.com Eve

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