Allergies & Ascension

Greetings Ascending Souls!

Over the past few years, a lot of people have had increasing symptoms of allergies.  This is because of ascension!  Here’s how you can be more comfortable this spring 🙂

Most allergies, although not all, are related to people’s psychic and telepathic sensitivities.  It is highly likely that what you react to is the psychic energy from the plants, bacteria and animals, etc. more than just the physical pollen, dust, mold, dander, etc.  So as you have ascended vibrationally, you have become more psychic and therefore more strongly reactive to the psychic energies in the natural world around you.

Now it is spring, and everyone from the tiniest bacteria to the plants and animals are beginning to be sexually aroused.  They have grown intense and irritable and are somewhat aggressively motivated toward mating, territorial disputes and having enough to eat.  It is all very natural and exciting!  With the weather and planetary shifts, there is an increased anxiety around all of this as well.  All of that energy is floating in the air and through the psychic environment.  Your immune system may react to all this energy by creating mucus to fight off its intrusion on your physical and psychic space and to dull your awareness of it.  Ringing ears and stuffy noses are often an attempt not only to fight off, but to mute the intensity.  Your own sexual energy, aggression and anxiety may be subliminally stimulated by all that energy coming at you from the environment too.

Conversely, we all feel more alive and stimulated in a positive way.  I don’t mean to portray this in a negative sense.  But this is really all going on!  If you look at it with psychic vision, it is absolutely incredible to observe all the activity.

Here are some suggestions for responding to this intensification of energy so your body can relax and stop over-reacting by producing antigens you don’t really need – allergies!

1- You could talk to your body and tell it not to worry, that it is just plant and animal sex and it isn’t your problem.  You can try just suggesting that your body ignore it.  If this does it, you don’t need the next two suggestions.

2- Centered deep within your heart chakra and back along your spine, you will find the still, clear place of your inner wisdom.  That part of you who already knows how to do everything and has the wisdom you need to direct your life.  Let your consciousness drop down into this place, don’t try to do it with your mind, just go there inside, like dropping into your favorite chair.  You already know this place.

Ask that wise aspect of your soul to create a soothing energy filter that is tuned to your own essence of truth that will filter out what you don’t need psychically.  Ask it to be designed to act sort of like spiritual gortex (sport wear material that repels water, but allows in air) repelling the physical and psychic irritants that make you allergic, while still allowing air and the peaceful and loving energies of life to enter.  Ask for this throughout your whole aura, as a deep and multi layered protection going right into your nose, sinuses, mouth and throat, comfortable, not interfering at all; soothing and protecting you as you breath.  Ask it to repel all irritants and help you receive clean air and peace.

Then when you find yourself reacting allergically, you can also tell yourself to relax, it is just plant, bacteria and animal sex and doesn’t need to bother you.

3- Ask your inner wisdom to psychically mute all that psychic plant, animal and bacteria energy for you, so you just become oblivious to it.  It’s still there, but you don’t notice it.

I pray that you will breath easily this season!

By special request I have scheduled a Healer Development 101 beginning April 16th.  Join us for 6 weeks of practical and essential life skills for spiritually evolving individuals!  You’ll be glad you did.  You can use this link to reserve a spot , or visit my website to find out more.  Love and Blessings, Eve

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