Balancing Opposites

As we ascend into our new world self, the old world is also present with us, as my class assistant Kathleen says, like two sides of a pancake.  What was our new world self yesterday, is our old world self today; because our new world self keeps moving on and shedding yesterday’s reality.  This is also happening in our outer world,  while we keep moving forward, so does the old world, but it is always a bit behind the new world in its ascension.  This being the case, we have two sides to our experience; inside ourselves we have our personal pancake, and the world around us has the old and new world sides as well.  Both sides are important and God is present in both aspects of life.

We are coming up to winter solstice, which is the time when the length of our nights reach their longest point and the daylight is shortest and weakest.  While this is occurring, the light within our individual souls is growing brighter and stronger.  While we love and seek the warmth and light, we have to honor and work within the cycles of change as they are.  The long winter nights are currently necessary, as is the old world.  Even the darkness, suffering and struggle within our own souls has a purpose, value and place in our experience, still during this time.  We need to honor that rightness and acknowledge God within it.  By doing so, we help God re-create our experience.  If we judge, resist or fight the dark side of things, we help it to sustain longer.  So through honoring and accepting it, and acknowledging and welcoming God to be there and work with it, we help it to come increasingly into harmony and ultimately, the new world experience when it is time for it to do so.

In your inner work this week, I would like to suggest that where you encounter the old world darkness in yourself or in your outer experience, acknowledge God’s presence within it and invite God to be in charge of the outworking of that energy for the greatest good; whatever that good might be.

Then ask that you might be focused in your new world self and the new world nursery; and that the old world stuff within you or your world be in the old world nursery; each element loved and supported on its proper path.  I love these nurseries!  During my work with the graduates of my Healer & Ascension Certification Course on behalf of the planet, one of our workers who is mother and grandmother to numerous children and who works also in a day care came up with them.  They are brilliant.  Essentially, it helps us to realize that while we may need to be nurtured in our new world experience and safe from unnecessary interference by the old world; the old world also needs to be nurtured and protected from interference or judgment from those of us on the new world path.  No need to compete, we can each be where we need to be!  We have worked extensively with these nurseries, and they are present and available for you as well 🙂

The longer nights are a good reminder of this work for you.  When you experience the dark and cold, acknowledge God’s presence and purpose within it and give thanks for the dark and cold, even as you choose to live in the warmth and light as much as is appropriate for you.

There is an element of surrender and trust that you may be picking up from this message, which is innate to this work.  This allows us to come more deeply into a co-creative relationship with God.  Keep your new world heart open and go with the flow and watch the amazing beauty of how things will resolve for the good of all, despite how it seems at certain points along the way.  There is a kind of holding sacred both sides of the pancake that is being asked for here.  Almost like a pregnant woman holds her child with great love and care, despite the inconvenience and discomfort of being pregnant.  Let us hold our world in love and trust, honoring the sacred process of birthing the new world out of the very place we are standing in each sacred now.

HearEve On The Air!  In Touch Interviews with Annette Aben will be interviewing me for an hour on Wednesday Dec. 18 at 5:00.  You can listen live or anytime after by visiting and clicking on InTouch Interviews.  If you listen live, please call in and say hi or ask a question.  We’ll be talking about Winter Solstice, Ascension and 2014!

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