Death = Rebirth

After returning from my time in California early this month, one of the visions I received from the Giant Redwood Trees was of forest fires that they knew were coming to California.  So the fire in and around Yosemite National Park didn’t come as a surprise to me, however it has been on my mind and heart a lot.

Along with the vision of forest fires, was a vision of the new world forest.  They showed me miles and miles of new world redwoods and reminded me that as the new world is being born, the old world is passing away, so not to be frightened by the death.  That which passes away will return better than ever in the new world.

All life forms that have appeared to be extinct will return in the new world.  So pay attention, already animal species thought completely extinct have been showing up again.  More and more you will see this over time.

This process is happening on every level of our experience.  You may have noticed that some days your body feels really old, achy and full of uncomfortable symptoms.  In the mirror on those days, you may look older than usual.  Then within a few days or sometimes longer, you find yourself feeling stronger, more focused and alive than ever and those symptoms of aging are greatly diminished or gone.  This is the ascension journey in process.

The new world is emerging on a higher vibration than the old.  As your vibration shifts you will increasingly perceive the new world because you will be living at that vibration.  The old will simply vanish to your experience.

The Ascension Support Class begins on September 12 and meets Monthly 7:30 – 9:30 PM.  There are still a few spots if you would like to join us!

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