Clearing the Roots of War

A steady theme over recent weeks has been the clearing and healing the roots of war.  These roots are ancient and include attitudes of unworthiness and self-hatred caused during our initial separation from God into individual lives causing feelings that were then built on over lifetimes.

Connections to these ancient violent inclinations have shown up in the most unexpected people, those who seem gentle or well intended, perhaps passive-aggressive and deeply repressed, but not necessarily outwardly violent.  This just goes to show that the real issues are deep in our unconscious and need to be addressed from that level in order to be resolved.  I have been addressing both those who have brought war and those who have been attacked to allow resolution of all those deep wounds.

I am excited to report that many aspects of the inclination to war have been actively healing and clearing this week.  It has been happening outside of time and space, far in the past where things began but also deep in our cellular memory.  As these things have cleared I feel emerging a deeper sense of peace and holiness within the world.

It seems, with all of these eclipses we have been having, that there is an opening for deep foundational shifts at the level of emotion, mind and identity for all of us.  Tomorrow there will be a rather tiny eclipse of the moon, so small that even the strongest telescopes won’t be able to detect it.  It feels as though there are some refined and subtle shifts that will happen deep within our unconscious as this one occurs.  Sometimes the tiniest things can have the biggest impact of all.  You’ll have to watch and see what you notice within yourself!

Open your heart and mind to invite healing of tiny blocks within your soul, perhaps old wounds that you have thought should already be healed but which are still festering unconsciously and keeping you stuck.  These may be more significant than they seem.  This lunar eclipse is ready to help you unblock those types of things.  The influence will be felt for a while, so you don’t have to work on this tomorrow if another day will be better.

With such good things happening on the planet it should help you to relax and enjoy the long holiday weekend!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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