Cycles of Change

Hi Everyone!  I’m glad you enjoy reading my blog:)

As you go through the ascension process there are cycles of change that happen repeatedly and certain symptoms that you might misinterperet and judge yourself for.  You are not alone in this.  Let me explain.

When your energy ascends to a higher vibration, your higher consciousness moves further into your body and soul.  This causes the release of old negativity that has been stored at those deeper unconscious levels.  This stored stuff is the things you don’t like and so stuff down, while choosing to behave spiritually and be kind and patient, etc.  Frustrations and anger, judgement and fear and the like.

So, after you have a shift and your higher consciousness arrives in the basement of the house of your body and soul, you will have a cleansing of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual baggage and junk.  You may find yourself being impatient, angry and judgmental, these are the most common reactions.  That is when you need to do some house cleaning.  Don’t stuff it further, just welcome God into those places.  Ask God to surround those negative energies in a balloon or a heart of unconditional love.  You will feel it lighten.  Then give yourself a big hug inside, all the way down to your toes and up to the top of your head and claim this body and soul for your higher self .  Ask your higher self to tune everything to your deepest truth that you can handle easily.

After a while you will feel calm and clear again.  It will get better and better until you reach a really nice plateau.  Then you will go through another growth spurt and get grumpy again most likely.  Think of it as growing pains and love yourself through it as described above.  It will pass.

6 months of personal ascension support and sharing with others who are ascending is what the new Monthly Ascension Support Class is offering.  Clearing blocks, updating DNA, Soul Contracts, Resolving Karmic Issues, Downloads of Higher Spiritual Truth and Much More!  $ 50 every 4 weeks beginning Thursday March 21, 7:30 – 9:30 PM.  In person or by phone or skype!  Send me an email through the following link to register: .  Or just send an email!

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