The Way We Were

The old world was built using the energy generated between opposites.  Each soul group was paired with an opposite energy soul group creating the attraction and repulsion of opposites.  This is the workout that I often write about which builds the muscles of individuality.

These opposing energies which alternately attract and repel us are addictive.  The cycles of love and hate, failure and success, abundance and poverty, war and peace, wanting and having etc……. motivate us to continue trying.  Just when we are ready to give up there is a hint of reward.  Just when we have enough it begins to decline.  Does this sound familiar?

Good news if you are tired of this endless cycle!  The contracts for these dynamics have almost all been rewritten, and those that are not yet will be within the next couple of years.  Our energy is now being created through unity rather than opposition!  I hope you like that idea because this is the direction of evolution/ascension for Earth.

Unity begins within the individual and then is found in the world around us too.  Manifestation in the new world comes through co-creation between an individual’s own physical human and divine levels of Being, grounded into the present time and place.  That generates the substance that life is built of which I call Holy Spirit or Force of Unity.  That beautiful substance of unconditionally loving life force draws all that is needed to co-create life in the new world.  The new world is here now, so you don’t have to wait to co-create!

An essential element of entering this new world co-creative process is a shift of identity.  It is necessary to leave behind the way we were, and the cycle of ongoing frustration and dissatisfaction laced with occasional carrots of success and brief perfect happiness.  We need to let go of the effort we pour into those old ways of doing things and lift up to our new world vibrations of unity, wholeness and unconditional love.  As we build our new world ego wholeness (like a rainbow if you recall recent posts and the description of how to do that), we partner with a greater purpose and all our unique spiritual potential becomes evident and can be accessed as needed.

Co-creating doesn’t happen because the old-world ego decides what it wants from the old world values that we have sought through endless cycles on the gerbil wheel of old world opposing forces.  It happens because in our new world identity our desires flow from our true self which is one with the One.  We begin to co-create what is necessary.  What is co-created depends on what each individual has been purposefully designed to bring which supports the greater good of life.  Moment by moment we find we are filling a need and in turn our needs are being filled.  We are where we belong.  It is a great magical mystery of new world life, and it is waiting for us now.

As we learn to live within this unity and co-create through harmony, the opposition of the old-world melts. It no longer has the power to pull us into the gerbil wheel of trying, failing, succeeding, failing, trying and really getting nowhere fast.  That is the way we were, but not the way we are in the new world.  Here at the beginning of the new world, looking back across history we might ask ourselves, as the theme song for the movie asked: “If we had to do it all again, would we?  Could we?”

It’s good to honor the old-world journey, the highs, the lows, and the ho-hums of it.  To be grateful for the independent souls we have built to enter the new world journey.  Perhaps shed some tears of release, of healing, of grief, of relief, of joy and sadness.  To be grateful for the richness of our past here on Earth.  Also, to be grateful that we have a long future ahead in the new world Earth which is being birthed within us and our planet now.  This is the beginning of something wonderful.

Blessings and love for your journey my friends!


P.S.  Help us strengthen the new world by joining us September 14th for the next series of six Healing & Ascension Monthlies.  We are ready for you!  Together, we will release limitations and disarm dangers of the old world to birth a stronger new world experience for Earth.  Email me at to get on the list.  $50 a month will build your new world muscles and help you and the world heal and ascend.  Spiritual support for your life and healing/ascension journey will be there for you every day for the 6 months of the course!  There is a sliding scale for those in need.  Hope to see you live by conference phone call on the 14th or by recording if you can’t come live at 7:30  – 9:30 pm eastern time, every 4 weeks on Thursday.

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