Forgiveness of Everyone for Everything

Humanity is now integrating new world ego.  One third of the human population began shifting two weeks ago, and the others will be coming along sooner than you might expect!  I’m reasonably sure that you, my readers, are experiencing this shift already or will begin within the next week.  Here is how you can work with that!

The landmark of your new world ego is the ability to forgive everyone for everything, including and especially yourself.  So, wherever there is dissatisfaction, anger, fear, hatred, judgment, blame, anxiety etc. it should be able to release with a new ease. Breathing into your Inner Wisdom and identifying with that — which is one with your Higher Self which is one with essence of truth of God can open your heart into that unity and unconditional love.  Holding that true wholeness and harmony will let the toxic emotional/mental state clear.  This will often work for physical pain as well.

Sometimes you will need to ground your true identity into that part of yourself which is holding the focus of those old world feelings and thoughts.  Usually, you will sense this in a place in your body.  Center first in Inner Wisdom within your heart, then invite inner wisdom focus to your solar plexus, welcoming the unity with Higher Self and essence of truth of God.  This is like a rainbow spectrum of true self – body, emotion, mind, ego, Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, essence of truth of God, all in harmony but at different vibrations and levels.  Let them all come into unity and harmony through your new world ego identity centered in solar plexus (belly) and heart.

Then bring that focus into the place within your body where you feel the dissonance of the old-world energy.  Holding your wholeness like a tree (with roots, branches and strong trunk), look out at the world from your integrated true self as though awake and focused where you feel the discomfort of the old world energies.  Ground and breathe and welcome your true self to grow and surround the block and lift it into unconditional love to be healed for you and for everyone.

This always sounds detailed when I write these things down.  But as you get used to holding that unity of new world self, the rest will become a natural and easy process.  Right now, it’s a new muscle and some detailed focus is needed.

Because this ego ascension is affecting so many people, the old-world negativity is clearing in huge layers out of the world soul and consciousness.  That stimulates the easy release of our personal elements of old-world stuff.  Our little pieces.  It also brings them up to the surface, so we feel them more. Most of what is clearing is not real.  All our old complaints exist in the illusionary part of us which is the opposite of our true self and which we are in process of releasing.  So, when we find any of that showing up, we get to stop identifying with it.  Rather than thinking it is mine, or my fault, remember it is not either.  It is your job.  It’s been created by the workout machine for soul growth of the old world.  That old workout is done, it’s time to get off that machine and take a nice shower to release toxins and put on some clean clothes to enter the new world experience, stronger than ever and refreshed.  The stuff that is clearing now is like that, let it wash away.

At first, as the opportunity to shift up to your new world ego arrives, you may notice that life begins really rubbing you the wrong way!  You may feel surprisingly angry or irritated or feel like what you have to do is simply impossible!  It is too much!  These are symptoms of the need to let go of old identity and step up to your new world ego.  I’ve been writing about this for a couple of weeks now and teaching it in private healings and in classes.  If you need more information on this shift, read back over the last two week’s posts or schedule a healing session with me.  Joining the next Monthlies Class in September will also help you to make this shift more fully and comfortably.

The rub and irritation with your life happens because you can no longer continue to live your life from your old ego focus.  You can’t just keep trying to do things under your own steam, with your old-world attitudes, or taking the BS of life personally.  From your new world ego, your partnership with Inner Wisdom that higher vibration rainbow of true self will put you into a brand-new wholeness.  You will find it increasingly natural to co-create your life.  Higher intelligence, unconditional love, insight, and wisdom will flow through you in the moment to make the most of situations with the greatest possible ease for that time.  Life will still be life, but you will be able to handle it without feeling bad about yourself or blaming others.  There will be an innate peace, gratitude, unconditional love there.  And an end to the BS in your human self that has kept you small, codependent, burdened, insufficiently funded or whatever.  Co-creating is better!

As I mentioned, a landmark of the new world ego is an ease of forgiveness, for yourself, for others, for all that has gone before or will come after.  Whatever in you is not forgiving is something to let go of.

One day you will awaken with a new focus of true self that is stronger than your familiar old ego.  You will need to recognize it and choose the new way, rather than telling yourself to get it together in the old way and pushing through life with the usual struggle.  Go ahead now and begin making this choice deliberately, so as your new world ego is activated you are all set to move forward with it.

Best wishes for your journey my friends!

Blessings and love,


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