Lesson of the Pacific Crab

The beach on the Pacific Ocean where we are staying has a pile of lava rock inhabited by some really amazing crabs.  At first I just found them intriguing, the way they move sideways and how sensitive and aware they are, their transparent eyes.  The lesson I received from watching and meditating with them is what I am told to share with you today.

I watched amazed as a rather large crab fearlessly stayed on his rock as it was repeatedly battered by waves.  They have many legs with pinchers and when a wave would come his way he held tight to his rock and tucked in close. He seemed completely at home and relaxed as the wave washed over him and then retreated.  He didn’t seem to care at all and gave no evidence of stress or concern.  He seemed to enjoy being right where he was, whether in or out of the wave.

I found myself wishing I was as calm and relaxed when waves of change washed over my life! It came to me that their multitude of legs and pinchers are to them as my spiritual tools are to me…they hold them safe and at ease despite the big waves as my tools hold me safe during the push and pull of life and the great waves of change we are undergoing.  After watching the crabs I am working on taking an increasingly casual and relaxed attitude to the waves of life!  I am holding tight to myself like the crabs hold tight to their rocks.  But practicing to make it such a natural habit that I don’t have to worry that I may be struck unprepared by the unexpected.

I invite you to meditate on how you handle the waves of change and the push and pull of life.  Do you feel anchored in your true self and able to ride the waves with a fair level of panache?  Or are you pushed, pulled and overwhelmed?  If the latter, maybe strengthening your spiritual practice can give you the inner strength, balance and skill to thrive during this period of high waves that we are undergoing in our world.

If you feel a need for more “legs and claws to hold you steady on your rock” you could visit any post on this site prior to January and find the list at the bottom of each post called “Resources for Riding the Wave of Change”.  I am temporarily unable to cut and past that information onto my posts because my portable little Chromebook doesn’t do that.  Who’d have thought???  Anyway, it is not far to go to find that list if you would like.  Or just visit my website store www.spiritualhealers.com and explore the Mini Self-Healing Classes.
Like the crab, I will continue to hold close to the rock of my inner wisdom and true self.  This makes me both safe and strong enough to help co-create the new world right within the positive and negative elements of life on Earth in 2022!  I give thanks for each of you who are also doing your part to help us hold steady as we ascend!

Blessings and love for a wonderful week my friends!


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2 years ago

Thank you, this has been helpful today. I’m grateful I checked the blog early. #hold steady

Karen McCloud
2 years ago

Thank you so much for your profound lesson from the crabs today! 😃 Just loved the visualization! Sending you strength too as we navigate this transition and together with the multitudes of kindred souls to “hold the light!”
🙏🏻💓 KLM

Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
2 years ago

Thanks and blessings! As usual your tools and reflexions are very helpful🦋

Pauline Hinebrook
2 years ago

Wonderful to contemplate this visual as it is so easy to be in the body only and get tossed by too much stuff in life. Thank you for your reminder of our tools! I’m so happy you had a time to relax and recharge in such a beautiful place Eve!