Pacific Ocean Ascending

Sitting under a tree, about 100 ft. of sand between me and the Pacific Ocean, I am meditating on what to write for you today.  I feel the power, joyfulness and mystic of the ocean as the waves roll in at their irregular pace; some small, some big.  I feel the pull as they withdraw.

The energy of the planet, sun and water here are so strong, it is difficult to stay centered within my own bounds.  I feel drawn out of myself and am using this as a muscle builder to maintain my sense of self while experiencing and loving this vast experience.

One element of the experience plays a bass note beneath the lightness and joy.  There is a threat in the vast power of the ocean.  It feels like a huge slate grey looming menace.  I I have experienced it previously, how the undertow can pull you out, or a wave rise up suddenly with an almost gleeful power that can overwhelm and damage you, where before all was joyful and fun.  I have learned from that experience in the past to be very alert and cautious of ocean waves!

Now the spiritual energy of that menacing potential is talking to me.  It is asking me for something and as I open to it I am deeply moved.  It makes my eyes water with tears that express fear, joy and grief.  I ask the humpback whales, dolphins and sea turtles – wise ones of the ocean.  They validate my experience and explain that it is time for the Pacific to ascend significantly and that I should ask how to help with that.

So, I enter the process of co-creating with essence of truth of God and am smoothly guided to help the vast Pacific enter the new world at the level it is ready for now.  This is the second step in this process that I have assisted in – the first was only a few months ago.  It is ready for a really big step now and goes from maybe 20% to 80% ascended.

I notice a big difference in my experience of the ocean now.  It is easier to hold my own and not feel overwhelmed by it.  I find myself missing the coyote-like playful and threatening intensity of the old-world version.  When I ask about that, hoping that in ascending it doesn’t lose any of its unique personality, I learn something significant about our new world experience!

In the new world we will experience dangerous situations by choice for our own growth and skill development; where in the old world experience they appeared to be random situations.  Of course they had been contracted by our higher selves, but from the human standpoint they seemed random.  In the new world, co-creating reality with God we will consciously choose these opportunities.  If in facing a chosen challenge we are injured or die, it is easily remedied, because we will be living in the reality of co-creating.  We will be absolutely clear that we are eternal, safe and unbreakable, in unity with God.  We will be able to go back and do it again differently, heal instantly, and we can’t really die.  It seems like the new world equivalent of a video game.  We will be able to stop it at any time, pull out and return at will.
So, with the Pacific largely ascended, the sense of threat to me is only present if that is still part of my old-world contracts; or because as an ascended person I choose to face that experience for my own growth.

Being still part of both the old and new worlds, all the elements of both are available and active in my life and this keeps me really busy!  When I step into my new world self I can alter the circumstances that the old world brought me.  I can work through my contracts consciously to minimize the effects of the old world.  Then I can help the parts of me that were affected by that to ascend so they heal and become whole in ways they couldn’t have done previously.  It is a lot of extra steps in my day, but it is a great training ground for living in the new world. This is such an interesting and amazing journey we are on!

As I tune into the ocean now, it feels warm and motherly, very crystalline.  I am reminded that the world we know was birthed out of its vast salty ocean waters.  I feel I am being asked to be reborn here and now.  Again I find myself crying.  As we enter these new experiences, there is so much going on.  First comes the joyful amazement, then comes the doubt, then the willingness to go beyond doubt, then comes grief for all the suffering we have had in the old world.  This is why our journey takes time.  We are covering so much territory – healing the old and stepping up to the new.  Sometimes it seems like we cover all of this in the blink of an eye and we are there.  Sometimes it takes deliberate choice to heal and prepare the way for change.  Whatever it takes, it is going to be done.  We are lifting into the new world rapidly my friends!

Thank you for being here, doing your part for all of us.  It is an amazing journey we are on together!

Blessings and love,


P.S. Visit my website to see one very superficial change I have made!  When you watch the Why I Love UCM video on the home page you will see that I am growing into my natural grey hair.  To do this I have cut it short.  My hair told me it wants to dance with the universe – maybe wild grey hair helped Einstein get so much cosmic information?!! It explained that coloring my hair toned this down and helped me to focus into the human world more successfully over the past 18 years.  But now I am strong enough in my own center and ground that it wants to be freer to act as the natural antennae it is for communicating with life.  Enjoy the video about my favorite ecumenical church – the organization which certifies my Healer Practitioners legally throughout the USA and which issued me the Master Healer Certificate for training more healers than anyone in the 100+ year history of the organization!  Follow this link to my home page and scroll down to the UCM section:

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Rebecca Moon
Rebecca Moon
2 years ago

Love the new hairstyle, thank you for helping the Pacific ascend, that ocean is so beautiful.

Zsuzsanna Pozar
Zsuzsanna Pozar
2 years ago

LOVE your hairstyle! Thank you for the beautiful post, very timely 🌟