Ascended Moths, 5 Planets Retrograde & Summer Solstice!

There is so much shifting right now it is hard to know where to begin.  So, I will begin with today…well actually the night before last.

I was sitting at my table reading and winding down from the day when the tiniest moth alighted between my body and my book with the cutest expression in its body language of wings and feelers.  It began to talk to me; simply saying I love you over and over.  As I received this message, I felt it connected to the highest source of love this side of Oneness – or what we call Ascended Mastery.  It kept flying away and returning to communicate the same thing.  I always knew that moths were of a higher intelligence, but this was different, it was not colored by any lower energies – simply joyful unity and love.  I felt blessed.

Then this morning on my walk, a rather large moth, almost as big as a Monarch butterfly, with beautiful markings, flew at me and around me several times before landing on the leg of my shorts.  It stayed for a while, so I observed its beautiful markings, furry body, and antennae and then began to listen to what it wanted to tell me.

It repeatedly said, “Thank you”, and “We love feeling this free”.  I could sense its unity with the level of unconditional love and Ascended Mastery, just like the tiny moth.  I was informed that this season’s moths have ascended into the new world and are helping to hold open the door for us to step up with them.  It wanted to encourage all of us to continue to lift our world into unity with higher love and appreciated our efforts that helped moths to ascend.  But mostly it was sharing its joy and the feeling of freedom!  It flew off, then returned to spend time on my ankle.  I felt blessed and lighthearted.

Over recent months I have been privileged to work with three groups to facilitate planetary ascension.  I want to recognize and honor the commitment and successful hard work of these healers. I invited graduates of my Healer Development Program and Healer & Ascension Certification Course from the past 20 years to respond to the opportunity of the world virus stay-at-home.  20 people joined us to help people and the planet ascend more smoothly and efficiently: — making the most of the enforced stillness of our world. The influence and strength these grads brought to our work was impressive. I also have been teaching an Advanced Ascension Class where my more recent grads are developing and refining their skills at world healing and ascension. The clarity of their work at the higher levels is beautiful. Then our Healing & Ascension Monthlies Class of 30+ people have been continuing to meet every 4 weeks to work with personal and soul group opportunities for change.  Overall, it has been a period of great shifts, hard work and commitment that has paid off.  When I look at the way the world would have been if we had not done our part, I can clearly see that we have made a significant impact on the quality of life and ease of change for all.  I think our ascended moth friends came to share their appreciation of that with us!

Now we are entering a new phase; with the stay-at-home receding and more activity bringing our outer reality back up to speed in a new way than before things shut down.  It will be fun to see how things shape up differently as we ascend to this next state in our world.

Additionally, last Saturday was Summer Solstice with a simultaneous Solar Eclipse!  This gave souls a chance to let go of old-world ego blockages and step up to a greater sense of unity.  And to break free from past negativity, ancient grudges, and oppositional attitudes.

To top all that off, starting on June 18, 5 planets went retrograde in our solar system – Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto!  Retrograde is an astrological transit which means that the planet appears to reverse back across our astrological signs instead of continuing forward.  The opportunities this presents are vast and complex, providing us the chance to review life lessons and challenges that we still need to work on before we can ascend into greater wholeness.  Jupiter tends to relate to finances, family and security, Saturn to our essential goals and contracts for this lifetime – frequently our tough things. Mercury influences communication and technology, Venus affects love and relationships; currently self-love, compassion and the healing of ego is being encouraged.  And Pluto influences vast, long-term cosmic projects that we are all working on throughout our many lifetimes.  So, if you have been feeling things are kind of wild and maybe a bit intense lately, you can see why!  Great opportunities are at hand for all of us.

As a world ascension worker, this is one of the rare times when instead of initiating more change, there is so much already shifting that my primary job is to clean up the debris, help release what is trying to clear and assist people to integrate the shifts more smoothly.  It is exciting!

During this time of vast shifting, you might feel a need for more rest.  Try to be calm and open your heart to the new world and let it lift you into a lighter place.  Once there you will feel more confident, trusting, and joyful about life.

If this work excites you, I am enrolling for Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification through my Healer & Ascension Certification Course. We plan to begin around December or early next year.  Also, we are still welcoming people into Healing & Ascension Monthlies until July 23 – our second class for this series of 6.  Class 1 will be available by recording.  Please email me to find out more about these opportunities or visit my website.

Thank you for comments, questions, sharing and liking this post as it pleases you!

Blessings and love to you, as you ride the waves of change this week ? Eve

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Jan Sikes
3 years ago

What a time we have the privilege of living in! Thank you for sharing your insight!

Jeanette Farley
Jeanette Farley
3 years ago

I also had an encounter with a moth, on Thursday last week, not as outwardly pleasant as yours. I was staying with my parents. I saw a tub of water that had been left out in the yard since the previous day, and I went to take care of it. There was a small moth that was in the water, drowned I presumed, and I fished it out to look at it. It was white and tan, and it was beautiful. Once the water had all dripped away it came to life and attempted to fly, landing on the pavement. I thought about trying to pick it up again and move it to a safer spot, but decided it could just stay there until fully dry and be on its way. Well, I went on straightening things in the yard, forgetting about it, and next thing I know, I have stepped on it! I felt so bad. But what came to mind was a lesson in follow-through; I had spent time with my father the previous day listening to him talk about his feelings about what his life has become, and I had sensed a healing process happening for him, but I was due to return home on Friday. I need to not forget forget about him, not turn aroud and squash what was rescued. That was what came to mind though I don’t know exactly how there is a parallel. I now have plans for another trip up to visit July 14.

Donna Petry
Donna Petry
3 years ago

Hi Eve. Your tiny white moths have been hanging out around my house for the last month or so. They are really cute. I have enjoyed their company. Thanks for their story.

Hugs and blessings – Donna.